Appendix B – Witnesses

Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Report 96 Treaties tabled on 16 September 2008

Partial Revision of the 2004 Radio Regulations, as incorporated in the International Telecommunications Union Final Acts of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-O7) (Geneva, 16 November 2007)

Agreement with WIPO in relation to the functioning of the Australian Patent Office as an International Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, to be done at Geneva during December 2008

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Appendix B – Witnesses


Monday, 13 October – Canberra


Attorney-General's Department

      Mr Stephen Bouwhuis, Assistant Secretary, Office of International Law


Australian Communications and Media Authority

              Mr Erik Lensson, Chief Engineer


Department of Communications and the Digital Economy

              Mr Brenton Thomas, Assistant Secretary, Networks Operations and Spectrum Branch

              Mr Don Williams, Manager, Spectrum Allocations & Emergency Services Section


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

              Mr Lester Martin, Registrar of Treaties


IP Australia

              Mr Victor Portelli, General Manager, Patents and Plants Breeders Rights

              Mrs Joanne Rush, Assistant Director, International Policy

              Mr Philip Spann, Assistant General Manager, Patents and Plant Breeders Rights

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