
Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Review of treaties tabled 7 December 2004 (4), 15 March and 11 May 2005


On Wednesday 17 August 2005, the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties tabled its report on the Review into Treaties tabled 7 December 2004 (4), 15 March 2005 and 11 May 2005.

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This report is comprised of preliminary pages, 10 chapters, 1 additional comment and 2 appendices.

Report 66: Review of treaties tabled 7 December 2004 (4), 15 March and 11 May 2005

Preliminary pages (PDF 118KB)
Contents, Foreword, Committee Membership, Terms of Reference, List of Abbreviations and List of Recommendations

Chapter 1 (PDF 86KB)

Chapter 2 (PDF 170KB)
United Nations Convention against Corruption

Chapter 3 (PDF 2563KB)
Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of New Zealand Establishing Certain Exclusive Economic Zone Boundaries and Continental Shelf Boundaries

Chapter 4 (PDF 112KB)
Singapore – Australia Free Trade Agreement Amendments

Chapter 5 (PDF 118KB)
Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Korea on Cooperation in the Fields of Energy and Mineral Resources

Chapter 6 (PDF 120KB)
Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Singapore concerning the Use of Shoalwater Bay Training Area and the Use of Associated Facilities in Australia

Chapter 7 (PDF 128KB)
Mutual Recognition Agreement on Conformity Assessment in Relation to Medicines Good Manufacturing Practice Inspection and Certification between the Government of Australia and the Government of Canada

Chapter 8 (PDF 92KB)
Amendments to Annex III [2005] ATS 9, and additional Annex VI [2005] ATNIF 5, to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade

Chapter 9 (PDF 127KB)
Final Protocol and Partial Revision of the 2001 Radio Regulations, as incorporated in the International Telecommunication Union Final Acts of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-03)

Chapter 10 (PDF 129KB)
Measure 1 (2003) Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty, adopted at Madrid, Spain on 20 June 2003, under the Antarctic Treaty

Additional comment (PDF 59KB)
Senator Andrew Bartlett

Appendix A (PDF 39KB)
List of submissions

Appendix B (PDF 54KB)
List of witnesses and public hearings