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Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Australia’s Defence Relations with the United States

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Appendix A – Ceremonial and Commemorative Activities

In addition to the program of inspections and briefings the delegation sought to add depth to their understanding of the US history and military culture by commemorating significant historic events. Some of these were events shared in both Australian and US history, such as the Korean and Vietnam Conflicts, other events were those that shaped the US culture, such as the the US Civil War and the Attack on Pearl Harbour.

The delegation leader, Senator Ferguson, shared responsibility for participation in these ceremonies amongst the members of the delegation. In each case all members of the delegation attended the activities as representative of the Australian Parliament.

The program of Ceremonial Activities was as follows:

Pearl Harbor – USS Arizona Memorial

RADM Donnolly, Deputy Commander US Pacific Fleet, hosted the delegation for a tour of Pearl Harbor and a briefing on the Japanese attack that commenced the Pacific Campaign of the Second World War. The delegation then travelled with Admiral Donnolly to the USS Arizona Memorial, where the delegation participated in a commemoration ceremony. The Hon Mr Bruce Scott, MP laid a wreath on behalf of the Australian Parliament.

Figure A.1 Hon Mr Bruce Scott, MP lays a wreath at the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Hawaii

Monday 4 July (US Independence Day Holiday)

The delegation was unable to meet with industry or defence officials due to the US Independence Day Holiday on 4 July 2005. Instead the delegation observed the community National Day celebrations in Orlando Florida.

Gettysburg National Battlefield Park

After visiting the US Army Strategic Studies Institute the delegation was given a tour of the neighbouring Gettysburg Battlefield Park by historian Lieutenant Colonel Ray Millen . Gettysburg was the most significant battle of the US Civil War and the scene of Lincoln ’s Gettysburg Address. The battle is central to the understanding of the Civil War and thus modern America .

Washington DC

The delegation conducted a number of commemorative activities in Washington D.C. The first of these was at the Arlington National Cemetery, on Saturday 9 Jul 2005, where Senator Ferguson laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns on behalf of the Australian Parliament.

Figure A.2 Senator Alan Ferguson lays a wreath at the Arlington Cemetery Tomb of the Unknowns

The delegation then moved to the gravesite of Pilot Officer Milne , the only Australian buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
The delegation, escorted by the Military Attache, Brigadier Gary Bornholt, then moved to the Washington Mall where two wreaths were laid. The first wreath was placed on the ‘ Australia’ marker at the US Korean War Memorial by Mrs Joanna Gash, MP.

Figure A.3 Mrs Joanna Gash MP and Brigadier Gary Bornholt lay a wreath at the US Korean War Memorial, Washington D.C.

The second wreath was laid at the US Vietnam War Memorial by the Hon Mr Graeme Edwards, MP. Both of these activities were conducted amidst very large crowds of US summer holiday visitors, who were uniformly moved by the Australian ceremonies.

In the afternoon the delegation was invited to tour the former home of George Washington, at Mt Vernon Estate to the south of Washington D.C. During the tour Senator Ferguson laid a wreath at General Washington’s tomb.

Figure A.4 Hon Mr Graham Edwards MP lays a wreath at the Vietnam War Memorial in the Washington D.C. Mall.

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