
Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Inquiry into Australia's aid program in the Pacific

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The Committee encourages submissions to its inquiry from a wide range of individuals and organisations. While we prefer submissions lodged in an original, electronic format, we do not want to exclude contributors who do not have access to computing facilities. Therefore, we will accept submissions in a range of formats which may include typewritten and handwritten documents.

Submissions to this inquiry are listed below in Portable Document Format (PDF). If an alternative format (ie, hard copy or large print) is required, please contact the Committee Secretariat. More submissions will be added to the list when they are received and authorised for publication.

For more information on submissions, please refer to our brochure on preparing a submission.

To view or print the submissions, you will need Adobe Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe

There is currently a total of 37 submissions in the following list.

  1. Dr Max Quanchi (PDF 81KB)
  2. Mr Richard Stone (PDF 568KB)
  3. The Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (PDF 139KB)
  4. Pacific Policy Project - Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government (PDF 99KB)
  5. Mr Peter Vaile (PDF 52KB)
  6. Joint Submission from AusAID and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (PDF 222KB)
  7. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) (PDF 256KB)
  8. Oxfam Australia (PDF 525KB)
  9. Australian Red Cross (PDF 445KB)
  10. RESULTS Australia (PDF 1225KB)
  11. Department of Defence (PDF 147KB)
  12. Catholic Women’s League Australia (PDF 154KB)
  13. Avaiki News Agency (PDF 159KB)
  14. Credit Union Foundation of Australia (PDF 293KB)
  15. AG’s Department (PDF 198KB)
  16. Australian Federal Police (PDF 307KB)
  17. Australian Reproductive Health Alliance (PDF 170KB)
  18. Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) (PDF 1162KB)
  19. Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF 1422KB)
  20. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity (PDF 145KB)
  21. International Office for Women FaCSIA (PDF 329KB)
  22. Mr Nehmy (PDF 426KB)
  23. Confidential
  24. NCCA Christian World Service (PDF 1077KB)
  25. Mr Edward Natera (PDF 129KB)
  26. National Library of Australia (PDF 47KB)
  27. Dr Graham Baines (PDF 154KB)
  28. Australian Council for International Development – Supplementary (PDF 41KB)
  29. Australian Federal Police - Supplementary (PDF 36KB)
  30. Department of Defence - Supplementary (PDF 718KB)
  31. World Citizens Association (Australia) (PDF 72KB)
  32. AusAid - Supplementary (PDF 106KB)
  33. Attorney-General’s Department - Supplementary (PDF 326KB)
  34. Attorney-General’s Department - Supplementary (PDF 106KB)
  35. Papua New Guinea Canberra Students' Association (PDF 754KB)
  36. Confidential
  37. Australian Volunteers International (PDF 347KB)