
Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Inquiry into Australia's relations with Indonesia


Submissions to this inquiry have been received from the following individuals/organisations. Copies of these submissions are available on this site in PDF format, or from the Committee Secretariat. Submissions are listed in numerical order, and supplementary submissions are also indicated.

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Submission No. Received from
1 Export Finance and Insurance Corporation
2 Griffith Asia Pacific Research Institute
3 Melbourne Institute of Asian Languages and Societies
4 Queensland University of Technology
5 Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance
6 Bureau of Meteorology
7 Deakin University
8 AusHeritage Ltd
9 Australia Defence Association
10 Faculty of Asian Studies, ANU
11 Australian National Maritime Museum
12 Mr Kerry Collison
13 Catholic Education Office, Lismore
14 Professor H Cecep Syarifuddin
15 Dr Jacob Rumbiak
16 Australia West Papua Association
17 Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
18 Ms Leonie Wittman
19 Australian Electoral Commission
20 Dr Lesley A Harbon
21 Name and address supplied
22 Department of Education, Science and Training
23 West Papua Foundation, Victoria
24 Australian Broadcasting Corporation
25 Centre for Asia Pacific Social Transformation Studies
26 Uniting Church in Australia
27 Australian Customs Service
28 The Institution of Engineers, Australia
29 Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources
30 National Library of Australia
31 Nusantara Indonesian Bookshop Pty Ltd
32 Ms Linda Keyte
33 Western Australian Department of Premier and Cabinet
34 Ms Julie Jackson
35 Macksville High School
36 Mr Lev Lafayette
37 Jubilee Australia
38 Caritas Australia
39 University of New South Wales
40 Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
42 Australian West Papuan Association Adelaide
43 Asia Education Foundation
44 Australian Volunteers International
45 Centre for Democratic Institutions
46 Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies
47 Department of Family and Community Services
48 ACT Legislative Assembly
49 Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA
50 Australia Indonesia Institute
51 Mr Christopher Owens
52 Department of Transport and Regional Services
53 Australian Consortium for 'In-Country' Indonesian Studies
54 Confidential Submission
55 Dr Thomas Reuter
56 Mt Evelyn Christian Fellowship
57 Graham and Lyn Beatty
58 Australian West Papua Association, Central Highlands
59 Mr Sam de Silva
60 Oxfam Community Aid Abroad
61 Mineral Policy Institute
62 Australian Federal Police
63 Ms Janet Hunt
64 Open High School
65 Mr Vic Say
66 Ms Jeanette M Debney
67 Alice Springs Language Centre
68 School of Modern Language Studies
69 Chisholm Catholic College
70 Mr Peter Pritchard
71 Mr Fred Scholten
72 Mr Ryuong Kim
73 Ms Karen Kelloway
74 Victorian Indonesian Language Teachers Association
75 Ms Linda Hibbs
77 Austraian Strategic Policy Institute/a>
78 Environment Australia
79 Amnesty International Australia
80 Attorney-General's Department
81 Australian Council of Trade Unions
82 Inside Indonesia Magazine
83 Austrade
84 Australian Council for Overseas Aid
85 Australian Agency for International Development
86 tba
87 Northern Territory Government
88 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
89 Department of Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
90 Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
91 Australian National University
92 Department of Defence
93 Australian West Papua Association, Central Highlands (supplementary submission)
94 Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology
95 Oxfam, Community Aid Abroard
96 Johns Hopkins University
97 Department of Family and Community Services
98 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
99 Department of Transport and Regional Services
100 Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
101 Jubilee Australia
102 Australian Federal Police
103 Attorney-General's Department
104 Amnesty International
105 Australia Council for the Arts
106 Australian Electoral Commission
107 Department Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
108 Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
109 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
110 AusAID
111 Australia-Indonesia Business Council Ltd
112 Westralian Indonesian Language Teachers Association
113 Ms Karen Bailey
114 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
115 Department of Education, Science and Training
116 AusAID
117 Humane Society International
118 Treasury
119 Austrade
120 Department of Education, Science and Training
121 AusAID
122 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
123 Asia Pacific Journalism Centre
124 AusAID