
Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Inquiry into Expanding Australia's Trade and Investment Relations with the Gulf States


Submissions to this inquiry have been received from the following individuals/organisations. Copies of these submissions are available on this site in PDF or from the Committee Secretariat. Submissions are listed in numerical order, and supplementary submissions are also indicated.

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Submission No. Received from
1 Department of Education, Science and Training (PDF 2710KB)
2 Australian Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. (PDF 1083KB)
3 Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (PDF 884KB)
4 IDP Education Australia Limited (PDF 1195KB)
5 Bayside Personnel International (PDF 566KB)
6 ICS - Part of the Adesse Group (PDF 511KB)
7 Abdul Ayan (PDF 3070KB)
8 Austrade (PDF 5154KB)
9 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (PDF 7718KB)
10 Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran (PDF 993KB)
11 Promesse Pty Limited (PDF 1802KB)
12 Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran - Supplementary (PDF 1449KB)
13 Austrade - Supplementary (PDF 895KB)
14 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (PDF 375KB)
15 ICS - Supplementary (PDF 494KB)
16 SMEC International Pty Limited (PDF 4320KB)
17 Department of Education, Science and Training - Supplementary (PDF 823KB)
18 University of Wollongong in Dubai (PDF 923KB)
19 Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (PDF 72KB)
20 Saeed Jamshidi Fard (PDF 2261KB)
21 Austrade - Supplementary (PDF 108KB)
22 Austrade - supplementary (PDF 97KB)
23 Austrade - supplementary (PDF 162KB)
24 ICS - Supplementary (PDF 89KB)