Appendix B – List of Exhibits

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Appendix B – List of Exhibits

1.             Airpower Australia - Article from Aviation Week and Space Technology, 9 February 2009, ‘Raptor’s Edge’.

2.             Mr Erik Peacock - Updated Policy Discussion Paper ‘Key Questions for Defence in the 21st Century’.

3.             REPSIM Pty Ltd - Excerpt of RAND Project AIR FORCE Presentation ‘Air Combat Past, Present and Future.

4.             REPSIM Pty Ltd - Article from Aviation Week, 8 March 2012, ‘Cyberthreats, Shortfalls Threaten USAF Plans.’

5.             REPSIM Pty Ltd – Document from Lockheed Martin, ‘Modelling and Simulation applied in the F-35 Program’.


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