Appendix A – List of Submissions

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Appendix A – List of Submissions

  1. Westpac – Mr Huw McKay
  2. Mr Jon Black, The Council of Mayors, South East Queensland
  3. Mr Jon Stanhope MLA, Chief Minister, ACT Legislative Assembly
  4. The Hon Mike Rann MP, Premier of South Australia
  5. Embassy of Columbia
  6. Wingecarribee Shire Council
  7. REDIEX – Ministry of Industry and Commerce
  8. Australian Services Union
  9. Central Queensland Local Government
  10. ITS Global
  11. Embassy of Argentina
  12. Department of Defence
  13. NSW Department of State and Regional Development
  14. Embassy of Mexico
  15. Department of Immigration and Citizenship
  16. Embassy of Peru
  17. Embassy of Pakistan
  18. Austrade
  19. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
  20. Embassy of Peru – Supplementary Submission
  21. Embassy of the Philippines
  22. Premier of Western Australia
  23. Austrade – Answers to Questions on Notice
  24. Three Plus Pty Ltd
  25. Law Council of Australia
  26. Embassy of Chile
  27. Universities Australia
  28. Sinogold
  29. Embassy of Mexico – Supplementary Submission
  30. Institute of Export
  31. Tradegate
  32. Export Vision
  33. Embassy of Mexico – Reference to Questions on Notice
  34. Mr Ken Waller, Director, The Australian APEC Study Centre, RMIT University
  35. Exportise (Melbourne) Pty Ltd
  36. Medicines Australia
  37. Law council of Australia – Answers to Questions on Notice
  38. Pacific Islands Trade and Investment Commission
  39. Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
  40. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

40a. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (supplementary)

  1. Embassy of Brazil
  2. Embassy of Uruguay
  3. Export Finance and Insurance Corporation
  4. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Answers to Supplementary Questions

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