Completed Inquiry: Australia's Relations with the Middle East

Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Completed Inquiry: Australia's Relations with the Middle East


The Committee presented its report Inquiry into Australia's Relations with the Middle East to Parliament on 19 September 2001 in the Senate and 20 September 2001 in the House of Representatives. Copies of the individual chapters or the full report are available in PDF format. The report is also available from the Committee Secretariat.

(To view or print the PDF document, you will require the Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe®.)

Contents, Foreword and Recommendations (PDF Format)

Chapter 1: Introduction (PDF Format 73KB)

Chapter 2: The Middle East Conflict in Outline (PDF Format 27KB)

Chapter 3: Australia's Contributions to the Middle East Peace Process (PDF Format 81KB)

Chapter 4: Regional Stability and Strategic Issues (PDF Format 80KB)

Chapter 5: The United Nations and the Sanctions Against Iraq (PDF Format 60KB)

Chapter 6: Australia's Trade Relationship with the Region (PDF Format 215KB)

Chapter 7: Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the Middle East (PDF Format 73KB)

Chapter 8: Social and Cultural Links Between Australia and the Middle East (PDF Format 77KB)

Chapter 9: Australia's Response to Asylum Seekers from the Middle East (PDF Format 69KB)

Chapter 10: Australian Overseas Aid for the Middle East (PDF Format 98KB)

List of Submissions

Public Hearings

Minority Report (PDF Format 123KB)

Full Report (PDF Format 3412KB)