Committee Members

Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Committee Members

The Committee's resolution of appointment provides that the Committee should consist of 34 members in the following combination:

Mr Michael Danby MP (Chair) Australian Labor Party, Member for Melbourne Ports (Vic)
Mrs Joanna Gash MP (Deputy Chair) Liberal Party of Australia, Member for Gilmore (NSW)
Senator Mark Bishop Australian Labor Party, Senator for Western Australia
Senator David Fawcett Liberal Party of Australia, Senator for South Australia
Mr Laurie Ferguson MP Australian Labor Party, Member for Werriwa, New South Wales
Senator Mark Furner Australian Labor Party, Senator for Queensland
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young Australian Greens, Senator for South Australia
Senator the Hon. David Johnston Liberal Party of Australia, Senator for Western Australia
Senator Scott Ludlam Australian Greens, Senator for Western Australia
Senator the Hon. Ian MacDonald Liberal Party of Australia, Senator for Queensland
Senator Anne McEwen Australian Labor Party, Senator for South Australia
Senator Claire Moore Australian Labor Party, Senator for Queensland
Senator Stephen Parry Liberal Party of Australia, Senator for Tasmania
Senator Marise Payne Liberal Party of Australia, Senator for New South Wales
Senator the Hon. Ursula Stephens Australian Labor Party, Senator for New South Wales
Hon. Mr Dick Adams MP Australian Labor Party, Member for Lyons (Tas)
Hon. Mr Anthony Byrne MP Australian Labor Party, Member for Holt (Vic)
Hon. Ms Julie Bishop MP Liberal Party of Australia, Member for Curtin (WA)
Ms Gai Brodtmann MP Australian Labor Party, Member for Canberra (ACT)
Mr Nick Champion MP Australian Labor Party, Member for Wakefield (SA)
Hon. Mr Joel Fitzgibbon MP Australian Labor Party, Member for Hunter (NSW)
Hon. Mr Alan Griffin MP Australian Labor Party, Member for Bruce (Vic)
Mr Harry Jenkins MP Australian Labor Party, Member for Scullin (Vic)
Dr Dennis Jensen MP Liberal Party of Australia, Member for Tangney (WA)
Mrs Sophie Mirabella MP Liberal Party of Australia, Member for Indi (Vic)
Hon. Mr John Murphy MP Australian Labor Party, Member for Reid (NSW)
Mr Ken O'Dowd MP The Nationals, Member for Flynn (Qld)
Mr Stuart Robert MP Liberal Party of Australia, Member for Fadden (Qld)
Hon. Mr Philip Ruddock MP Liberal Party of Australia, Member for Berowra (NSW)
Ms Janelle Saffin MP Australian Labor Party, Member for Page (NSW)
Hon. Mr Bruce Scott MP The Nationals, Member for Maranoa (Qld)
Hon. Mr Peter Slipper MP Independent, Member for Fisher (Qld)
Hon. Dr Sharman Stone MP Liberal Party of Australia, Member for Murray (Vic)
Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP Australian Labor Party, Member for Calwell (Vic)

Sub-Committee Membership

Under its resolution of appointment, the Committee has the power to establish Sub-Committees, and in the current Parliament has established four Sub-Committees: Foreign Affairs, Defence, Trade and Human Rights. Membership of the Sub-Committees is open to all members of the full Committee. Each Sub-Committee has its own Chair and Deputy Chair. The Chair and Deputy Chair of the full Committee are ex-officio members of each of the Sub-Committees.

Sub-Committee membership is as follows:

Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee Defence Sub-Committee

Mr N Champion MP (Chair)
Hon. Dr S Stone MP (Deputy Chair)

Senator S Ludlam
Senator the Hon. I Macdonald
Senator A McEwen
Senator C Moore
Senator S Parry
Senator M Payne
Senator the Hon. U Stephens
Hon. D Adams MP
Hon. J Bishop MP
Ms G Brodtmann MP
Mr M Danby MP (ex officio)
Mr L Ferguson MP
Mrs J Gash MP (ex officio)
Hon. A Griffin MP
Mr H Jenkins MP
Dr D Jensen MP
Mrs S Mirabella MP
Mr S Robert MP
Hon. P Ruddock MP
Ms J Saffin MP
Hon. P Slipper MP
Ms M Vamvakinou MP

Senator M Furner (Chair)
Dr D Jensen MP (Deputy Chair)

Senator M Bishop
Senator D Fawcett
Senator the Hon. D Johnston
Senator the Hon. I Macdonald
Senator S Parry
Senator M Payne
Hon. D Adams MP
Ms G Brodtmann MP
Mr N Champion MP
Mr M Danby MP (ex officio)
Hon. J Fitzgibbon MP
Mrs J Gash MP (ex officio)
Hon. A Griffin MP
Mr H Jenkins MP
Mrs S Mirabella MP
Mr K O'Dowd MP
Mr S Robert MP
Hon. B Scott MP
Hon. P Slipper MP

Sub-Committee Secretary:
Dr John Carter
Ph: 02 6277 2313
Sub-Committee Secretary:
Mr Jerome Brown (also Committee Secretary)
Ph: 02 6277 2313    

Trade Sub-Committee Human Rights Sub-Committee

Ms J Saffin MP (Chair)
Hon. B Scott MP (Deputy Chair)

Senator the Hon. I Macdonald
Senator S Parry
Senator the Hon. U Stephens
Hon. D Adams MP
Hon. J Bishop MP
Mr M Danby MP (ex officio)
Mr L Ferguson MP
Hon. J Fitzgibbon MP
Mrs J Gash MP (ex officio)
Mr H Jenkins MP
Mrs S Mirabella MP
Hon. J Murphy MP
Mr K O'Dowd MP
Hon. P Slipper MP
Hon. Dr S Stone MP

Mr L Ferguson MP (Chair)
Hon. P Ruddock MP (Deputy Chair)

Senator D Fawcett
Senator M Furner
Senator S Hanson-Young
Senator C Moore
Senator S Parry
Senator the Hon. U Stephens
Hon. D Adams MP
Mr M Danby MP (ex officio)
Mrs J Gash MP (ex officio)
Mr H Jenkins MP
Hon. P Slipper MP
Ms M Vamvakinou MP

Sub-Committee Secretary:
Ms Julia Searle
Ph: 02 6277 2313
Sub-Committee Secretary:
Mr Paul Zinkel
Ph: 02 6277 2313

For futher information on the Committee and its Sub-Committees contact the Committee Secretariat.

  • A list of former Chairmen of the Committee is available in the Department of the Parliamentary Library's Parliamentary Handbook of the Australian Parliament, published by the Australian Government Publishing Service (AGPS).
  • For details of membership of the Committee and its Sub-Committees in previous Parliaments, contact the Committee Secretariat