Preliminary Pages

Preliminary Pages

Membership of the Committee



Mr Michael Danby MP


Deputy Chair

Mrs Joanna Gash MP



Senator Mark Bishop

Senator the Hon John Faulkner (from 30/09/10 to 14/02/11)

Senator David Fawcett (from 1/07/11)

Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (to 30/06/11)

Senator Mark Furner

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

Senator the Hon David Johnston

Senator Scott Ludlam

Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald

Senator Anne McEwen (from 1/07/11)

Senator Claire Moore

Senator Kerry O’Brien (from 14/02/11 to 30/06/11)

Senator Stephen Parry (from 1/07/11)

Senator Marise Payne

Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (from 1/07/11)

Senator Russell Trood (to 30/06/11)


Hon Dick Adams MP (from 24/03/11)

Hon Julie Bishop MP


Ms Gai Brodtmann MP

Hon Anthony Byrne MP (to 14/03/12)

Mr Nick Champion MP

Hon Laurie Ferguson, MP

Hon Joel Fitzgibbon MP

Mr Steve Georganas MP (to 24/03/11)

Mr Steve Gibbons MP (to 7/02/12)

Hon Alan Griffin MP

Mr Harry Jenkins MP (from 7/02/12)

Dr Dennis Jensen MP

Hon Robert McClelland MP (from 14/03/12)

Mrs Sophie Mirabella MP

Hon John Murphy MP

Mr Ken O’Dowd MP (from 25/10/10)

Ms Melissa Parke MP

Mr Stuart Robert MP

Hon Philip Ruddock MP

Ms Janelle Saffin MP

Hon Bruce Scott MP

Hon Dr Sharman Stone MP (from 25/10/10)

Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP

Membership of the Trade Sub-Committee



Ms Janelle Saffin MP


Deputy Chair

Hon Bruce Scott MP



Senator Scott Ludlam

Mrs Joanna Gash MP (ex officio)


Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald

Mr Harry Jenkins MP


Senator Stephen Parry

Mrs Sophie Mirabella MP


Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens

Hon John Murphy MP


Hon Dick Adams MP

Mr Ken O’Dowd MP


Hon Julie Bishop MP

Ms Melissa Parke MP


Mr Michael Danby MP (ex officio)

Hon Philip Ruddock MP


Hon Joel Fitzgibbon MP

Hon Dr Sharman Stone MP



Committee Secretariat




Mr Jerome Brown

Inquiry Secretary

Ms Julia Searle

Administrative Officers

Ms Jessica Butler


Mrs Emma Black


Mrs Sonya Gaspar



Terms of reference

On 22 March 2012, the Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill 2011 was referred to the Committee by the Selection Committee of the House of Representatives.

The Selection Committee’s report stated the following reason for referral:

Concern over the international implications of the bill which have been expressed by Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea in their submissions to the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee inquiry.[1]



List of abbreviations



Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation


Association of Southeast Asian Nations


Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade


European Union


Papua New Guinea Forest Industries Association


Voluntary Partnership Agreement


World Trade Organization






List of recommendations

1     Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill 2011

Recommendation 1

The Committee recommends that the Government continues to consult closely with the Governments of Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea and other relevant stakeholders on implementation of the bill and the development of subordinate legislation.

Recommendation 2

The Committee recommends that the Government facilitate Malaysia and Papua New Guinea’s representation on the Illegal Logging Working Group convened by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

Recommendation 3

The Committee recommends that the Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill 2011 be passed.




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