Preliminary pages

Preliminary pages

Membership of the Committee


Mr M Danby MP


Deputy Chair

Mrs J Gash MP



Senator M Bishop

Mr N Champion MP

  Senator D Fawcett Hon Mr J Fitzgibbon MP
  Senator M Furner Hon Mr A Griffin MP
  Senator S Hanson-Young Mr H Jenkins MP
  Senator the Hon D Johnston Dr D Jensen MP
  Senator S Ludlam Hon R McClelland MP
  Senator the Hon I MacDonald Mrs S Mirabella MP
  Senator A McEwen Hon Mr J Murphy MP
  Senator C Moore Mr K O'Dowd MP
  Senator S Parry Ms M Parke MP
  Senator M Payne Mr S Robert MP
  Senator the Hon U Stephens Hon Mr P Ruddock MP
  Hon Mr D Adams MP Ms J Saffin MP
  Hon Ms J Bishop MP Hon Mr B Scott MP
  Ms G Brodtmann MP Hon Dr S Stone MP
  Hon Mr A Byrne MP (from 19/09/12) Ms M Vamvakinou MP

Membership of the Foreign Affairs Sub–Committee


Mr N Champion MP


Deputy Chair

Hon Dr S Stone MP



Senator S Ludlam

Hon Mr L Ferguson MP


Senator the Hon I Macdonald

Mrs J Gash MP (ex officio)


Senator A McEwen

Hon Mr A Griffin MP


Senator C Moore

Mr H Jenkins MP


Senator S Parry

Dr D Jensen MP


Senator M Payne

Mrs S Mirabella MP


Senator the Hon U Stephens

Ms M Parke MP


Hon Mr D Adams MP

Mr S Robert MP


Hon J Bishop MP

Hon Mr P Ruddock MP


Ms G Brodtmann MP

Ms M Vamvakinou MP


Mr M Danby MP (ex officio)


Committee Secretariat


Mr J Brown

Inquiry Secretary

Dr J Carter

Administrative Officers

Ms J Butler


Mrs S Gaspar

  Ms L McDougall

Terms of reference

On 13 September 2012, the International Fund for Agricultural Development Amendment Bill 2012 was referred to the Committee by the Selection Committee of the House of Representatives.

The Selection Committee’s report stated the following reasons for referral/principal issues for consideration:

List of abbreviations


Australian Multilateral Assessment


Australian Agency for International Development


UK Department for International Development


Foreign Affairs and Trade Portfolio agencies


Global Environment Facility


International Fund for Agricultural Development


Joint Standing Committee on Treaties


Millenium Development Goal


Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network


RESULTS International Australia


United Nations


UN Convention to Combat Desertification

List of recommendations

The International Fund for Agricultural Development and the Bill

Recommendation 1

The Committee recommends that the International Fund for Agricultural Development Amendment Bill 2012 be passed.

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