Completed Inquiry: The Link between Aid and Human Rights

Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Completed Inquiry: The Link between Aid and Human Rights


The Committee presented its report The Link between Aid and Human Rights to both Houses of Parliament on 17 September 2001. Copies of the individual chapters or the full report are available in PDF format. The report is also available from the Committee Secretariat.

(To view or print the PDF document, you will require the Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe®.)

Contents, Foreword and Recommendations (PDF Format)

Chapter 1: Introduction (PDF Format 13KB)

Chapter 2: Human rights and aid (PDF Format 27KB)

Chapter 3: Activities advancing human rights (PDF Format 68KB)

Chapter 4: Different means of advancing human rights (PDF Format 35KB)

Chapter 5: Activities under various programs (PDF Format 42KB)

Chapter 6: A rights-based approach to aid? (PDF Format 27KB)

List of Submissions

Public Hearings

Full Report (PDF Format 419KB)