
Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Enterprising Australia - planning, preparing and profiting from trade and investment


Submissions to this inquiry were received by the previous Committee from the following individuals/organisations. Copies of some those submissions are available on this site in PDF format, or from the Committee Secretariat. Submissions are listed in numerical order, and supplementary submissions are also indicated.

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No. Received from
1 The University of New South Wales (PDF Format)
2 Department of Transport and Regional Services (PDF Format)
3 Austrade (PDF Format)
4 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (PDF Format)
5 Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (PDF Format)
6 Australian Academy of Science (PDF Format)
7 M R Rice (PDF Format)
8 Australian Research Council (PDF Format)
9 Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business (PDF Format)
10 University of Melbourne (PDF Format)
11 Department of Defence (PDF Format)
12 Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (PDF Format)
13 Department of Health and Aged Care (PDF Format)
14 Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (PDF Format)
15 Attorney General's Department (PDF Format)
16 Communications Electrical Plumbing Union (PDF Format)
17 West Australian Government (PDF Format)
18 Queensland Government (PDF Format)
19 Austrade (Supplementary submission) (PDF Format)
20 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (PDF Format)
21 Department of Industry, Science and Resources (PDF Format)
22 Western Australian Government (Supplementary submission) (PDF Format)
23 Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PDF Format)
24 The Association of Australian Hotel Schools and the Australian Council of Independent Vocational Colleges (PDF Format)
25 Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs (PDF Format)