List of recommendations

Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit

Contract Managment in the Australian Public Service

List of recommendations

The Accountability Framework

Recommendation 1

That the Ombudsman Act 1976 be amended to extend the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman to include all government contractors.

Recommendation 2

That all CEOs under the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 should, whenever claiming commercial-in-confidence, issue a certificate stating which parts of a contract and why these parts are to be withheld.

Recommendation 3

That all agencies must establish and maintain an effective contract register.

Recommendation 4

That the Auditor-General conduct a review, as part of an existing or potential performance audit, of agency performance in complying with the reporting requirements of the Gazette Publishing System (GAPs).

Recommendation 5

The Committee reaffirms the need for the Auditor-General to have access to contractors' premises as previously stated by the Committee in Recommendation Five of Report 368 which stated:

n The Committee recommends that the Minister for Finance make legislative provision, either through amendment of the Auditor-General Act or the Finance Minister's Orders, to enable the Auditor-General to access the premises of a contractor for the purpose of inspecting and copying documentation and records directly related to a Commonwealth contract, and to inspect any Commonwealth assets held on the premises of the contractor, where such access is, in the opinion of the Auditor-General, required to assist in the performance of an Auditor-General function.