Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Full list of completed inquiries and reports
Reviews of Auditor-General's Reports


Review of Auditor-General's Reports 1997-98: Fourth Quarter


The Committee tabled its report Review of Auditor-General's Reports 1997-98: Fourth Quarter on
8 December 1999 in the House of Representatives and the Senate . Copies of the contents of the report (individual chapters and other sections of the report) are available in PDF format or from the Committee Secretariat.

(To view or print the PDF document, you will require the Acrobat PDF Reader ®, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe®

Finance Minute/Government Response: to date there has been no Finance Minute/Government response to the Committee's report.

Contents of report: Review of Auditor-General's Reports 1997-98: Fourth Quarter

Covering documents (PDF Format 35KB)

Chairman's Foreword
Membership of the Committee
Duties of the Committee
List of abbreviations
List of recommendations
Chapter 1: Introduction (PDF Format 13KB)
Chapter 2: Audit Report No. 43, Life-cycle costing in the Department of Defence (PDF Format 36KB)
Chapter 3: Audit Report No. 47, Management of Commonwealth Guarantees, Indemnities and Letters of Comfort (PDF Format 28KB) 
Appendix A: Conduct of the Committee's Review (PDF Format 15KB)
Appendix B: Submissions (PDF Format 7KB)
Appendix C: Transcript of Evidence