Review of the rollout of the National Broadband Network (Third Report)

Review of the rollout of the National Broadband Network (Third Report)

25 June 2012

© Commonwealth of Australia 2012
ISBN 978-0-642-79623-3 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-0-642-79624-0 (HTML version)

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1242KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Preliminary Pages (PDF 122KB)
Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF 60KB)

Committee’s Role
Reporting Timetable
About the Review
Report Outline

Chapter 2 Performance Reporting (PDF 187KB)

Key Features of the Performance Report
Key Performance Indicators
Benchmarking National Broadband Network Rollout Progress
National Broadband Network Rollout Progress
Fibre Network
Fixed Wireless Network
Satellite Network
Key Milestones Achieved
Current NBN Rollout Progress
NBN Co Limited Financial Result
Community Consultation
Addressing the Information Gap
Public Engagement Activities
Ongoing Community and Industry Concern
Additional Issues
Timeframe for Receipt of Performance Report
Concluding Comments
NBN Co Financial Result
Community Consultation
Public Engagement Activities
NBN Co Website
Delay of Receiving Review Information

Chapter 3 Regulatory and Pricing Issues (PDF 146KB)

Binding Definitive Agreements with Telstra and Optus
Telstra’s Structural Separation Undertaking and Draft Migration Plan
Timeframe for Completion
NBN Rollout Progress since Telstra Agreement Approval
Optus Agreement
Future Use of Remaining Copper Network
NBN Co’s Special Access Undertaking
Recourse to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
Special Access Undertaking Terms and Conditions
30-year Term of Special Access Undertaking
Wholesale Broadband Agreement
Bundling and Pricing of Services
Consumer Protection
Additional Matters
Concluding Comments
Telstra’s Remaining Copper Network
Optus Agreement
NBN Co’s Special Access Undertaking
Wholesale Broadband Agreement
Small Business e-Readiness

Chapter 4 Contracting (PDF133KB)

Procurement, Tenders and Contracts
Tender Processes
Contracts Awarded
Construction Tenders
Suspension of Construction Tender Process
Fixed Wireless Contracts
Satellite Contracts
Other Issues
Causes and Costs of Delays
Online Tender Registry
Australian Companies
Contracts Awarded to Australian-Controlled Companies
Network Security
Concluding Comments
Tender Registry
Network Security

Chapter 5 Services in Regional and Remote Australia (PDF 726KB)

Case Study: Willunga, South Australia
Strategies of Local Government
Business Opportunities
Customer Support in Transition
Fixed Wireless Services
Rollout Progress
Trial Phase
Satellite Access Service
Orbital Slot Allocation
Gateway Segment/Ground Stations
Infrastructure on Premises
Interim Satellite Service
Telephony, Broadband and Black Spots
Maintenance and Upgrades
Extending the Fibre Footprint
Concluding Comments
Connection Difficulties
Fixed Wireless Services
Reliability of Satellite Signals
Take Up of the Interim Satellite Service
Telephony, Broadband and Black Spots
Maintenance Works
Extending the Fibre Footprint

Chapter 6 Private Equity Funding and Telstra Workforce Issues (PDF 211KB)

Private Equity Funding
First and Second Reports
Current Report
Existing Legislative Framework
Policy Rationale and Cost/Benefit
Private Equity Funding Timeframe
Debt Financing
Concluding Comments
Telstra Workforce Issues
First and Second Reports
Current Report
Telstra Retraining Funding Deed
Telstra Training Plan
Job Offshoring
Reporting Requirements under the Retraining Funding Deed
National Broadband Network Employment Projections
Concluding Comments

Dissenting Report by Coalition Members and Senators (PDF 69KB)

NBN’s Special Access Undertaking and Wholesale Broadband Agreements
Migration to the NBN
Rollout of the NBN
Advertising on the NBN

Appendix A – Submissions and Exhibits (PDF 17KB)
Appendix B – Hearings and Witnesses (PDF 47KB)

Monday, 16 April 2012 - Sydney
Monday, 30 April 2012 – Willunga, South Australia