Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network

Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network

The Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network has been established to inquire into the rollout of the project until the NBN is operational.

The Committee was established under a resolution of appointment passed by the House of Representatives on 1 March 2011 and the Senate on 3 March 2011. Its specific Terms of Reference are to report to the Parliament and the Ministers for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy and the Minister for Finance every six months on:

  1. The rollout of the NBN, including in relation to the Government's objective for NBN Co. Limited:

    1. connect 93 per cent of Australian homes, schools and businesses with fibre-to-the premises technology providing broadband speeds of up to 100 megabits per second, with a minimum fibre coverage obligation of 90 per cent of Australian premises; and

    2. service all remaining premises by a combination of next-generation fixed wireless and satellite technologies providing peak speeds of at least 12 megabits per second;

  2. The achievement of take-up targets (including premises passed and covered and services activated) as set out in NBN Co.’s Corporate Plan released on 20 December 2010 as revised from time to time;

  3. network rollout performance including service levels and faults;

  4. the effectiveness of NBN Co. in meeting its obligations as set out in its Stakeholder Charter;

  5. NBN Co.’s strategy for engaging with consumers and handling complaints;

  6. NBN Co.’s risk management processes; and

  7. Any other matter pertaining to the NBN rollout that the Committee considers relevant.

Committee membership

Current Review

Previous Reviews and Inquiries

Cover of Rollout of the National Broadband Network – Second Report

Read report

Government report on NBN Co Ltd and its subsidiaries

The Committee Secretariat can be contacted at:

Committee Secretary
Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network
Parliament of Australia
PO Box 6021
Parliament House

Phone:  (02) 6277 2322
Fax: (02) 6277 8594

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