Appendix A—Submissions and Exhibits

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Appendix A—Submissions and Exhibits

List of submissions

1          Dr Joo-Cheong Tham

1.1       Supplementary to submission 1:
            Dr Joo-Cheong Tham

1.2       Supplementary to submission 1:
            Dr Joo-Cheong Tham

2          Democratic Audit of Australia

3          Professor George Williams

4          Mr Andrew Murray

5          Senator Eric Abetz

6          FamilyVoice Australia

7          Public Health Association Australia

8          Action on Smoking and Health

9          Australian Council of Trade Unions

10        Australian Democrats

11        Australian Council on Smoking and Health Australia

12        The Australian Greens

13        National Heart Foundation of Australia

14        Electoral Reform Society of South Australia

15        McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth; and Cancer Council     Western Australia

16        Emeritus Professor Colin Hughes

17        NSW Greens Political Donation Research Project

17.1     Supplementary to submission 17:
            NSW Greens Political Donation Research Project + Attachments A and B

18        The Greens NSW

18.1     Supplementary to submission 18:
            The Greens NSW

19        Australian Electoral Commission

19.1     Supplementary to submission 19:
            Australian Electoral Commission

19.2     Supplementary to submission 19:
            Australian Electoral Commission

19.3     Supplementary to submission 19:
            Australian Electoral Commission

19.4     Supplementary to submission 19:
            Australian Electoral Commission

20        Mr Andrew Norton (revised)

21        Australian Labor Party

21.1     Supplementary to submission 21:
            Australian Labor Party

22        Accountability Round Table

22.1     Supplementary to submission 22:
            Accountability Round Table

22.2     Supplementary to submission 22:
            Accountability Round Table

23        GetUp!

24        The Nationals

25        Liberal Party of Australia

26        Senator John Madigan, Senator for Victoria

List of exhibits

1          The Greens NSW submission to the Electoral Reform Green Paper, dated 18 February 2009 and including minor revisions 28 June 2011 (provided by Mr Chris Maltby, Registered Officer, The Greens NSW)

2          Action on Smoking and Health Australia, Submission on possible reforms to Lobbying Code of Conduct and Register of Lobbyists, September 2010 (provided by Mr Stafford Sanders, Communications Officer, Action on Smoking and Health Australia)

3          World Health Organisation, Tobacco industry interference with tobacco control, 2008 (provided by Mr Rohan Greenland, Government Relations Director, National Heart Foundation of Australia)

4          Sample Wentworth Forum invitation letter (provided by Mr Norman Thompson, Director, NSW Greens Political Donations Research Project)

5          World Health Organisation, WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, reprinted 2005; and Guidelines for implementation of Article 5.3 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (provided by Ms Anne Jones OAM, Chief Executive Officer, Action on Smoking and Health)

6          Memorandum from Phil Francis to Geoffrey Bible, re Health Warnings and Contents Labelling, dated 19 March 1993, provided by the Australian Council on Smoking and Health (provided by Mr Maurice Swanson, Honorary Secretary, Australian Council on Smoking and Health)

7          Health Services Union and Craig Thomson – failure/late lodgement of returns under Part XX of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Chronology of events relating to these matters (provided by Australian Electoral Commission)

8          Articles: Sydney Morning Herald, ‘MP accused of credit card rort’, 8 April 2009; ‘Probe into union finances after escort payments’, 9 April 2009 (provided by The Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP, Member for Mackellar)

9          Transcript and newsletter: Parliament of New South Wales, General Purpose Standing Committee No. 5, Examination of proposed expenditure for the portfolio area, Fair Trading, Uncorrected Proof, 27 October 2011; and Coastal Voice Community Group Newsletter, September 2006 (provided by The Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP, Member for Mackellar)

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