Committee Members - 43rd Parliament

Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters

Committee Members - 43rd Parliament

For the 43rd Parliament the committee will consist of 10 members, 3 Members of the House of Representatives to be nominated by the Government Whip or Whips, 2 Members of the House of Representatives to be nominated by the Opposition Whip or Whips or by any non-aligned Member, 2 Senators to be nominated by the Leader of the Government in the Senate, 2 Senators to be nominated by the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate and 1 Senator to be nominated by any minority group or groups or independent Senator or independent Senators.

Mr Daryl Melham MP (Chair) (Australian Labor Party, Banks, NSW)

Hon Alexander Somlyay MP (Deputy Chair) (Liberal Party of Australia, Fairfax, Qld)

Senator Simon Birmingham (Liberal Party of Australia, SA)

Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP (Liberal Party of Australia, Mackellar, NSW)

Senator Carol Brown (Australian Labor Party, Tas)

Senator Helen Polley  (Senator for Tasmania)

Hon Alan Griffin MP (Australian Labor Party, Bruce, Vic)

Senator Lee Rhiannon (Senator for New South Wales)

Ms Amanda Rishworth MP (Australian Labor Party, Kingston, SA)

Senator Scott Ryan (Liberal Party of Australia, Vic)