Media release, 13 May 1999

Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters

1998 Federal Election and Matters Related Thereto
Media Releases

Media release, 13 May 1999


Ex Australian Electoral Commissioner and eminent electoral commentator Mr Brian Cox will appear before the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters tomorrow as part of the 1998 federal election inquiry.

Committee Chair Mr Gary Nairn, Member for Eden - Monaro, said 'Mr Cox is a man widely respected for his knowledge on electoral issues. He has been a regular contributor to federal election inquiries, and he has been asked to appear so that the Committee can seek his advice on a range of issues.'

'Dr Amy McGrath, a regular critic of the security of the electoral system, will also be appearing,' Mr Nairn added. 'Dr McGrath's contributions to previous federal election inquiries have inspired considerable debate, and greatly added to the knowledge of the Committee.'

It is expected that Dr McGrath will focus on issues of security around provisional and postal voting.

In addition, the Committee will be hearing from Mr Neil Gillespie about problems experienced by ATSIC Regional Councillors who wish to stand for federal parliament as well as Mr Gillespie's proposal for seats in parliament to be set aside for indigenous Australians.

'The Committee is developing a detailed picture of those areas of electoral law that require change before the next election,' Mr Nairn said. 'I expect that three such witnesses will greatly assist the Committee in its deliberations.'

The Committee will deliver its report in the Spring sittings.

13 May 1999
Further information: Gary Nairn MP (Chair) 02 - 6277 4939 (Parliament House)
Bev Forbes (Secretary) 02 - 6277 2374