Please note: This page contains links to transcripts of Public Hearings and Submissions in Portable Document Format (PDF). If an alternative format (ie, hard copy or large print) is required, please contact the Committee Secretariat.
3.5 |
While voting is compulsory for electors residing in Australia, electors who are outside of Australia on election day are not penalised if they do not vote.1 Nevertheless, it is important that defence force personnel serving overseas be given the maximum possible opportunity to vote.
3.6 |
The number and location of ADF personnel serving overseas and the areas of operation can vary from year to year (figure 3.1). At the time of the federal election in November 2007, there were around 3,500 personnel serving in a number of overseas locations including Iraq (1,575), Afghanistan (970), Timor-Leste (780) and the Solomon Islands (140).2 |
3.7 |
Prior to the trial, postal voting had been the main method by which defence force personnel serving overseas cast votes, although some limited pre-poll voting services have been provided at times — in 2001 mobile polling was undertaken in Timor-Leste where 1975 pre poll and postal votes were cast, although some of these votes may have been cast by other Australian Citizens at the consulate.3
Figure 3.1 – Indicative numbers of Australian Defence Force personnel deployed 1989–2007

Source:Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Special Report Issue 5 - The final straw: Are our defence forces overstretched? (2007),p 2.
3.8 |
The Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 imposes deadlines for the delivery and receipt of postal ballots which the AEC and Defence headquarters need to take into consideration in the handling of postal voting applications and voting packs:
- Applications for postal votes — Postal vote applications (PVAs) may not be made until after the issue of the writ for the election or the public announcement of the proposed date for the polling, whichever is the earlier. The deadline for receipt of PVAs by the AEC is 6pm on the Thursday that is 2 days before polling day.4 At the 2007 election, the AEC accepted scanned postal voting applications delivered electronically for the first time.
- Following the 2004 election, the Commonwealth Electoral Act was amended to allow defence force personnel serving overseas to become registered General Postal Voters (GPVs).5
- Postal voting packs are distributed to GPVs and to those other electors who’s PVAs are on hand at the AEC commencing on the Monday following the close of nominations for the election. Postal voting packs are generally distributed from the AEC’s contracted central mail house to Defence as a mater of priority. From Defence, mail is sorted and sent through the internal Defence mail system at the first opportunity to each area of operation. Depending on the area of operation, mail may again be re-sorted to be distributed to personnel within the particular area of operation.
- Postal voting envelopes containing completed ballot papers need to be received by the relevant Divisional Returning Officer within 13 days after the close of the polls.6 This 13 day timeframe is immutable under the Act and Divisional Returning Officers must exclude postal votes if they are not received in the divisional office within that time.
- Generally, completed postal votes are sent back from areas of operation (which may involve movement and collection within an area of operation) to Defence in Australia via the Defence internal mail network. The timeliness of these movements may be subject to operational requirements within the areas of operation. Defence in Australia then lodges those postal votes into the Australia Post network where they are posted to respective divisional offices.
3.9 |
As noted in chapter 2, the 2007 election trial of remote electronic voting for selected ADF personnel serving overseas was a recommendation of the then Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters’ review of the 2004 federal election. |
3.10 |
In coming to its recommendation that a trial of remote electronic voting be undertaken for overseas Australian Defence Force and Australian Federal Police (AFP) personnel and for Australians living in the Antarctic, the committee noted that postal voting is sometimes not a realistic option for these electors.7 |
3.11 |
The government response indicated its support for a remote electronic voting trial for defence force personnel, subject to satisfactory resolution by the AEC and the Department of Defence of systems and associated security issues. However, the inclusion of AFP personnel and Australians living in the Antarctic was not supported as part of the initial trial.8 |
3.12 |
An important change to the Commonwealth Electoral Act was made in 2007 to allow ADF and AFP personnel to be enrolled as General Postal Voters.9 This issue was raised with the committee by the Department of Defence as a way of overcoming delays in the issue and return of Postal Voting Applications.10 |
3.13 |
As noted in chapter 2, remote electronic voting is a feature in several countries. However, it is usually confined to sub-national jurisdictions such as state or local government elections and in most cases is conducted on a trial basis. |
3.14 |
The only country that has utilised remote electronic voting for national elections is Estonia.11 The committee is also aware of the development by the US Department of Defence of an Internet-based electronic voting system to facilitate remote electronic voting for US military personnel serving overseas and US citizens residing overseas for the 2004 presidential election. That system (‘SERVE’) was subsequently shelved following concerns over system security.12
3.15 |
The 2007 election trial of remote electronic voting for ADF personnel serving overseas was limited to those who had access to the Defence Restricted Network (DRN) and who would be serving in Afghanistan, Iraq, Timor-Leste and the Solomon Islands at the time of the election.13
3.16 |
The trial specifically excluded naval ships on overseas deployment due to bandwidth and connectivity constraints.14 |
3.17 |
The DRN is a secure Department of Defence intranet site which is accessible remotely by Australian Defence Force personnel. Voting was not available on the world wide web. |
3.18 |
The limited time available to develop the remote voting system resulted in the use of an abbreviated procurement process involving three selected service providers with experience in developing electronic voting systems. Some of the requirements for the system specified by the AEC included:
- A system to allow for the specific requirements of the Australian federal electoral system, that is, a voting system that allows for full preferential voting for the House of Representatives, proportional representation for the Senate, and caters for a referendum if necessary;
- Modification of any offered system to ensure compatibility with the Department of Defence’s secure intranet;
- The voting application to reside on stand-alone servers in AEC’s data centre, and be connected with the DRN via the Intra-government Communications Network. The connection was to include hardware encryption; and
- Printing of completed ballot papers from data stored in servers located on AEC premises in Canberra with Senate votes loaded directly into the AEC’s Central Senate Scrutiny System.15
3.19 |
The preferred contractor, Registries Limited, was formally awarded the contract on 3 April 2007. Everyone Counts was a major subcontractor to Registries and was responsible for providing the voting software.16 The voting system, ‘eLect’, has been used by Everyone Counts to conduct internet-based elections for organisations and political parties. |
3.20 |
The voting system was audited by a contractor accredited with the National Association of Testing Authorities. The contractor was asked to ensure that the voting system met the following criteria:
- resistant to malicious tampering by users;
- resistant to malicious tampering by external parties;
- free from malicious source code;
- presents an accurate representation of votes cast in the printed record without gain or loss; and
- does not allow the association of a voter with the vote cast.17
3.21 |
The audit contractor made the following findings and certified that the voting system complied with the specified criteria:
- that the eLect system implementation includes features that provide the level of security required by the AEC;
- that the eLect system has been tested with due diligence;
- there is no evidence of malicious source code in the eLect system;
- there were no errors detected in tests for security, accuracy and compliance of the system; and
- that risks identified in this report have been avoided or minimised to a level that would allow the eLect system to comply with AEC requirements regarding security, accuracy and voting functionality.18
3.22 |
Internal and external communication by the Department of Defence was primarily relied on to inform potential users about the opportunity to cast a remote electronic vote. Approaches by Defence included:
provision of information during force preparation training prior to deployment;
warning order from Defence Headquarters in early August 2007;
support order from the Chief of Joint Operations, Defence Headquarters in early October 2007;
provision of information to Commanding Officers to provide to their troops in September 2007;
video conferencing with the Commanding Officers in the areas of operation, which included participation of staff from the AEC’s Electronic Voting Section; and
information posted on the Defence intranet.19 |
3.23 |
Information about the remote electronic voting trial was also available on the AEC’s website and an AEC officer visited Solomon Islands and Timor‑Leste in September and October 2007 to raise awareness about the trial.20 |
3.24 |
Eligible personnel were required to register prior to the election. The registration process involved a number of steps:
- within the AEC the enrolment was checked. If the applicant was enrolled they were then registered as a general postal voter and remote electronic voter within the AEC’s election management system;
- the registered general postal voter then received an acknowledgement letter informing them of their status;
- the AEC produced a PIN mailer for each new applicant. The PIN was used to authenticate an elector’s identity as part of the voting process. The mailing of PINs via the Defence internal postal system commenced on 9 October 2007 and the last mail out occurred via that system on 2 November 2007; and
- the PIN mailer comprised a letter with a security panel which, when peeled off, revealed the voter’s PIN. The letter also contained instructions to the voter and a ‘How to cast your vote’ pamphlet.21
3.25 |
A full paper-based contingency process involving the distribution of postal votes to all Defence personnel registered as General Postal Voters was also put in place to provide all registered personnel with the opportunity to cast a postal ballot if required. Some of the reasons for this contingency included:
- should unforseen issues arise with the software or connectivity during the election timetable;
- the amount of time it takes to get mail to the Middle East area of operations;
- concerns that voters should not suddenly find themselves in a situation where they were relying on being close to a computer to vote; and
- remote electronic voting no longer being an option due to the voter’s own or unforseen circumstances.22
3.26 |
In all, 2,012 personnel registered to participate in the trial, representing 80 per cent of those eligible. Of these, 1,511 personnel cast their votes electronically.23 The proportion of registered eligible personnel was similar across each of the areas of deployment covered by the trial (figure 3.2).
Figure 3.2 – Remote electronic voting registrants as a proportion of ADF personnel deployed, by area of operation (per cent)

Source: Sheridan and Associates, Evaluation of the remote electronic voting trial for overseas based ADF personnel electors at the 2007 Federal Election: Final evaluation report (2008), p 20. |
3.27 |
Around 50 per cent of defence personnel participating in the trial nominated ‘force preparation training’ and ‘information from commanding officer’ as the means by which they learned about the trial. The evaluation report noted the importance of force preparation training and of direct communication, although the relative importance of these means of communication varied across operational areas, with ‘warning order’ and ‘operational order’ being more prominent in the Solomon Islands than other locations.24 |
3.28 |
The proportion of registered voters that cast their vote electronically varied significantly across the areas of deployment covered by the trial, with 90 per cent of registered voters in Afghanistan and the Solomon Islands casting their vote electronically compared to 52 per cent in Timor‑Leste (figure 3.3).
Figure 3.3 – Remote electronic voters as a proportion of registrants (per cent)

Source: Sheridan and Associates, Evaluation of the remote electronic voting trial for overseas based ADF personnel electors at the 2007 Federal Election: Final evaluation report (2008), p 23. |
3.29 |
Based on responses from participants in the trial, the main reason provided for not voting electronically in Timor-Leste was that operational requirements prevented access to the DRN to allow voting. A secondary reason was a preference not to vote electronically. The evaluation report notes that:
This preference may have been to do with the lack of availability of terminals to vote in private leading to a sense of frustration, as illustrated by the following comment made by one respondent from Timor-Leste: “There were only two terminals for over 300 soldiers. This is ridiculous. I deserve complete anonymity like every other Australian.”25
3.30 |
The total cost of the remote electronic voting trial to the AEC and Defence was $1,750,915 (table 3.1). Defence received no additional resources for the conduct of the trial, with existing resources reprioritised.26
Table 3.1 – 2007 federal election remote electronic voting trial estimated costs
Cost Component |
Cost |
Australian Electoral Commission |
$786,915 |
Salary |
$245,375 |
Operating expenses |
$375,754 |
Capital |
$165,786 |
Special items (included above) |
Total contractor costs |
$479,186 |
Audit |
$59,801 |
Defence |
$964,000 |
Salary |
$582,000 (a) |
Operating expenses |
$382,000 |
Note: (a) Salary costs include direct salary comprising annual salary, allowances and accrued expenses (superannuation and accrued leave). Salary costs for ADF members also include indirect salary. Figure excludes fixed overheads. Unit Costs used in calculations are sourced from Defence Financial Manual (4). Calculations are based upon the estimated days worked by Defence resources for the trial for the period covering project commencement to end of January 2008.
Source: Australian Electoral Commission, Report into Remote Electronic Voting at the 2007 Federal Election for Overseas Australian Defence Force Personnel(2008), p 22. |
3.31 |
Based on the estimated project costs and the number of votes cast, the average cost per vote was $1,159. When only the AEC’s costs are taken into account the average cost per vote falls to $521.27 Had all 2,500 eligible participants cast their vote electronically average costs would have been around $700 per vote. This compares to an average cost per elector of $8.36 at the 2007 federal election.28
3.32 |
The contractor’s evaluation of the trial highlighted the very high level of satisfaction with remote electronic voting among those who participated in the trial. Overall, 86 per cent of respondents to the evaluation survey were very satisfied or satisfied with the use of electronic voting machines. Those in Iraq had significantly lower levels of satisfaction compared to other locations (figure 3.4). This was attributed to a lack of information about candidates and parties and a lower level of knowledge regarding remote electronic voting.29
Figure 3.4 – Satisfaction with levels of service that remote electronic voting provided, by location (per cent)

Source: Sheridan and Associates, Evaluation of the remote electronic voting trial for overseas based ADF personnel electors at the 2007 Federal Election: Final evaluation report (2008), p 31. |
3.33 |
When asked whether they would consider using electronic voting were it to be available at the next federal election or referendum, 95 per cent of survey respondents indicted that they would do so.30 |
3.52 |
The restricted nature of the trial and the use of the DRN rather than another Defence network or the internet was seen by the AEC as creating a secure environment for remote electronic voting.41 |
3.53 |
In chapter 3, the committee noted general concerns with remote electronic voting overseas which have, in the opinion of the Computing Research and Education Association Australasia, raised uncertainty over the adoption or expansion of remote electronic voting in a number of countries.42 |
3.54 |
While ADF personnel using remote electronic voting were able to check that their vote had been cast as intended, the Computing Research and Education Association Australasia, pointed out that this does not necessarily mean that the vote actually printed on to the ballot paper reflected the vote cast. Contrasting the verification process with postal voting, the Association considered that using the DRN for the trial did not necessarily overcome security and transparency issues:
Running the system on the DRN does not automatically solve these issues. It certainly does not solve the issue of transparency and accountability, namely providing evidence that the votes printed out by the system genuinely reflect the intentions of the voters. It is inappropriate for the legislation to treat these printouts as equivalent to real ballots – they are not, because there is a gap between the voter and the printout in which a malicious hacker, an accidental program error or a hardware fault could produce an incorrect result. There is no evidence of vote privacy that is nearly as convincing as the postal voter’s chance to put their own vote in their double envelope.
3.55 |
Although high confidence levels were expressed by ADF personnel in the value of the vote checking service, survey responses by one user did reveal some possible distrust in the system, with the respondent noting that ‘if the system was flawed, the check would be too’.47 |
3.56 |
The Computing Research and Education Association Australasia also noted some concerns with the audit report of the eLect system and considered that a number of comments in the report are ‘particularly unclear’.49 The Association noted that:
The most disturbing aspect of this report is that it makes no mention of having inspected the source code for security vulnerabilities. Instead the source code evaluation focused on detecting deliberately malicious code within the source itself. Although this is important, it is far more likely that the designers and programmers accidentally left security holes that could be exploited by an external hacker. Such vulnerabilities would not be obvious from even quite extensive testing (though such testing is also important), because they would be extremely subtle. It is vitally important for experts to inspect the source code and evaluate the design, and thus form an argument about why the system is secure. Designing and evaluating secure software is notoriously difficult. Even under considerable expert scrutiny, some vulnerabilities may still slip past unnoticed. … That the audit report does not even mention attempting this kind of analysis is very unfortunate. Their comment that the system was “designed, written and documented in a manner that could broadly be described as industry standard” is not encouraging.50
3.57 |
The issue of vote verification with remote electronic voting systems was acknowledged by the Computing Research and Education Association Australasia as virtually impossible to achieve.51 Given this limitation, the Association considered that a range of alternative options should be considered:
We understand that there is a large group of voters who are, most unfortunately, disenfranchised by communications problems. We agree that it is important to address their needs, but don’t believe that remote electronic voting is justified before the security and accountability problems are solved.
We suggest considering alternative ways of using the communications infrastructure of the Internet (or the DRN) without necessarily trusting it. Some possibilities worth considering are:
- Perhaps ballot materials could be delivered via the electronic network, then printed out by voters and mailed to the AEC as postal ballots. Of course, this introduces its own security issues, particularly the oversupply of ballot papers, which are otherwise very carefully controlled.
- Perhaps the DRN could be used to establish a variant of mobile polling stations in which the computer running the voting application was placed in a proper ballot box and supplied with a printer. The votes could be sent back to the AEC over the network as they were in the recent trial, but afterwards the paper trail could be produced and mailed in a batch for verification.
We are not advocating either of these strongly, simply pointing out that there may be ways to use the communication advantages of an electronic network while preserving security and accountability. A similar proposal is included in the SERVE security report.52
3.58 |
While the committee is confident that the remote electronic voting system hosted by the DRN used for the trial operated securely and effectively, it should be acknowledged that such a remote electronic voting system is not able to provide as transparent a process as alternatives such as postal voting. |
3.59 |
That said, there may be delays associated with the delivery of mail into and out of operational areas. Defence told the committee that the time period for the delivery of mail from Australia varies across operational areas, with weather delaying mail in some cases by two to three days and sometimes up to a week and that unserviceable aircraft could also lead to delays. There was a ‘very small risk’ that delays could be as long as 15 days.53 |
3.60 |
Any proposals to extend the system to networks other than the DRN (including the internet) will need to clearly demonstrate that the system is reliable and secure and be able to be confidently relied on by the community.
3.61 |
The committee appreciates the work of the Department of Defence and the Australian Electoral Commission on conducting the remote electronic voting trial. |
3.62 |
While a higher number of votes were known to have been cast by defence force personnel serving overseas at the 2007 federal election, not all of the increase can be solely attributed to the remote electronic voting trial. |
3.63 |
It is unlikely that any single voting system will guarantee that defence force personnel serving overseas will be able to cast a vote and have that vote included in the count. |
3.64 |
This suggests that multiple systems should be deployed to maximise voting opportunities. However, the committee considers that while the objective should always be to give ADF personnel the maximum available opportunity to vote, the chief concern should be that the voting system imposes the least possible burden on personnel in operational areas. |
3.65 |
Remote electronic voting may increase the likelihood that a vote cast by personnel serving overseas will be included in the count by avoiding some of the logistical delays that can be associated with the movement of paper‑based postal voting systems in areas of operation. |
3.66 |
While remote electronic voting without a paper backup would impose a lesser burden on operational areas than the system trialled at the 2007 election, the committee considers that risks remain that personnel may not have the opportunity to cast their vote remotely for operational reasons. Therefore, a paper-based backup would continue to be a required feature of any remote electronic voting model. As a result, in the committee’s view, any remote electronic voting model will bring with it an increased impact on operational areas because of the technical facilities required to support remote electronic voting and the requirement to move increased amounts of paper based mail into and around operational areas. |
3.67 |
The average cost per vote cast for the remote electronic voting trial, at $1,159 per vote, is significantly higher than the average cost per elector of $8.36 at the 2007 federal election. While an average of 2,200 ADF personnel have been deployed overseas in recent federal election years, this can change significantly between elections. For example, only 600 ADF personnel were deployed overseas in 1998 but by 2001 there were 3,300 ADF personnel overseas, most of whom were in East Timor. |
3.68 |
Given the uncertainty over both the number and location of future overseas deployments of ADF personnel, the committee considers that the additional costs associated with electronic voting are not warranted, particularly if overseas deployments do not rise significantly from the current level of around 3,000 personnel across 12 areas of operation. |
3.69 |
Under a purely paper-based system, the impact of operations on the likelihood of personnel being able to complete their vote is lower, as personnel have more opportunity to complete their vote without relying on the availability of terminals and a connection to the DRN. However, paper-based postal voting systems will continue to be subject to the potential risks associated with delays in the delivery and return of mail from operational areas. |
3.70 |
The committee considers that, on balance, a solely paper-based system is more reliable, and imposes fewer burdens on ADF personnel in operational areas, than a system based on remote electronic voting which inevitably requires a paper-based backup. |
3.71 |
The committee therefore considers that remote electronic voting for ADF personnel serving overseas should be discontinued and there should be a renewed focus on making paper-based systems more efficient than they currently are. |
Recommendation 1 |
3.72 |
Given the additional burden imposed by remote electronic voting with its paper-based backup systems on defence force personnel in operational areas and the relatively high average cost of voting at $1,159 per vote compared to an average cost per elector of $8.36 at the 2007 federal election, the committee recommends that remote electronic voting for defence force personnel should not be continued at future federal elections. |
3.73 |
The committee has examined a number of different approaches to improving paper-based voting systems for ADF personnel in the following section. In the committee’s view these appear to offer more reliable opportunities for overseas defence personnel to cast their votes and have them included in the count than a remote electronic voting model with paper-based contingency arrangements. |
1 |
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, s 245(4). |
2 |
Parliamentary Library, ‘Briefing book for the 42nd parliament, Current Australian Defence Force Deployments’, viewed on 6 January at |
3 |
Australian Electoral Commission, The 2001 Election Report (2002), Appendix B: List of Overseas Posts and Votes Issued, Behind the Scenes, CD Rom. |
4 |
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, s 184. |
5 |
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, s 184A(2)(h). |
6 |
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, s 228(5A). |
7 |
Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters, The 2004 election: Report of the inquiry into the conduct of the 2004 federal election and matters related thereto (2005), p 270. |
8 |
Australian Government, ‘Government Response to the Report of the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters, The 2004 Federal Election; Report of the Inquiry into the Conduct of the 2004 Federal Election and Matters Related Thereto’, p 20, viewed on 3 November 2008 at (PDF 2.1 MB). |
9 |
Australian Electoral Commission, submission 169, Annex 3 (PDF 666 KB), p 34. |
10 |
Department of Defence, submission 132 to the 2004 election inquiry (PDF 131 KB), p 4. |
11 |
Estonian National Electoral Committee, ‘Internet voting in Estonia’, viewed on 7 January 2009 at |
12 |
Jefferson D, Rubin A, Simons B and Wagner D, A security analysis of the Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment (SERVE) (2004). |
13 |
Australian Electoral Commission, Report into Remote Electronic Voting at the 2007 Federal Election for Overseas Australian Defence Force Personnel (2008), p 4. |
14 |
Australian Electoral Commission, Report into Remote Electronic Voting at the 2007 Federal Election for Overseas Australian Defence Force Personnel (2008), p 4. |
15 |
Australian Electoral Commission, Report into Remote Electronic Voting at the 2007 Federal Election for Overseas Australian Defence Force Personnel (2008), p 34. |
16 |
Australian Electoral Commission, Report into Remote Electronic Voting at the 2007 Federal Election for Overseas Australian Defence Force Personnel (2008), p 34. |
17 |
BMM Australia, Audit and certification of a remote electronic voting system for overseas Australian Defence Force personnel (2007), p 1. |
18 |
BMM Australia, Audit and certification of a remote electronic voting system for overseas Australian Defence Force personnel (2007), p 1. |
19 |
Sheridan and Associates, Evaluation of the remote electronic voting trial for overseas based ADF personnel electors at the 2007 Federal Election: Final evaluation report (2008), p 27. |
20 |
Sheridan and Associates, Evaluation of the remote electronic voting trial for overseas based ADF personnel electors at the 2007 Federal Election: Final evaluation report (2008), p 27. |
21 |
Australian Electoral Commission, Report into Remote Electronic Voting at the 2007 Federal Election for Overseas Australian Defence Force Personnel (2008), p 17. |
22 |
Australian Electoral Commission, Report into Remote Electronic Voting at the 2007 Federal Election for Overseas Australian Defence Force Personnel (2008), p 17. |
23 |
Australian Electoral Commission, Report into Remote Electronic Voting at the 2007 Federal Election for Overseas Australian Defence Force Personnel (2008), p 5. |
24 |
Sheridan and Associates, Evaluation of the remote electronic voting trial for overseas based ADF personnel electors at the 2007 Federal Election: Final evaluation report (2008), p 29. |
25 |
Sheridan and Associates, Evaluation of the remote electronic voting trial for overseas based ADF personnel electors at the 2007 Federal Election: Final evaluation report (2008), p 24. |
26 |
Australian Electoral Commission, Report into Remote Electronic Voting at the 2007 Federal Election for Overseas Australian Defence Force Personnel (2008), p 22. |
27 |
Australian Electoral Commission, Report into Remote Electronic Voting at the 2007 Federal Election for Overseas Australian Defence Force Personnel (2008), p 22. |
28 |
Australian Electoral Commission, Electoral Pocketbook 2007, p 73. |
29 |
Sheridan and Associates, Evaluation of the remote electronic voting trial for overseas based ADF personnel electors at the 2007 Federal Election: Final evaluation report (2008), p 31. |
30 |
Sheridan and Associates, Evaluation of the remote electronic voting trial for overseas based ADF personnel electors at the 2007 Federal Election: Final evaluation report (2008), p 56. |
31 |
Australian Electoral Commission, submission 169 (PDF 5 MB), p 60. |
32 |
Needham A, Department of Defence, transcript, 17 October 2008 (PDF 351 KB), pp 43–44. |
33 |
Australian Electoral Commission, submission 169 (PDF 5 MB), p 60. |
34 |
Australian Federal Police, ‘The Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: Inquiry into Australia’s involvement in peacekeeping operations: The Australian Federal Police submission March 2007’ viewed on 20 January 2009 at; Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts Australian Anarctic Division, ‘People in Antarctica’, viewed on 20 January 2008 at |
35 |
Australian Electoral Commission, submission 169.6 (PDF 199 KB), p 9. |
36 |
Australian Electoral Commission, submission 169.6 (PDF 199 KB), p 10. |
37 |
Software Improvements, submission 138 (PDF 361 KB), p 1; Southern Cross Group, submission 158 (1.4 MB),
pp 45–46; Registries and Everyone Counts, submission 160 (1.4 MB), p 3; Blind Citizens Australia, submission 81 (207 KB), p 4. |
38 |
Australian Electoral Commission, Report into Remote Electronic Voting at the 2007 Federal Election for Overseas Australian Defence Force Personnel (2008), p 25. |
39 |
Needham A, Department of Defence, 17 October 2008 (PDF 351 KB), p 44. |
40 |
Needham A, Department of Defence, 17 October 2008 (PDF 351 KB), p 53. |
41 |
Sheridan and Associates, Evaluation of the remote electronic voting trial for overseas based ADF personnel electors at the 2007 Federal Election: Final evaluation report (2008), p 26. |
42 |
Sheridan and Associates, Evaluation of the remote electronic voting trial for overseas based ADF personnel electors at the 2007 Federal Election: Final evaluation report (2008), p 26. |
43 |
Sheridan and Associates, Evaluation of the remote electronic voting trial for overseas based ADF personnel electors at the 2007 Federal Election: Final evaluation report (2008), p 25. |
44 |
Australian Electoral Commission, Electoral Pocketbook 2007, p 73. |
45 |
Australian Electoral Commission, submission 169 (PDF 5 MB), p 59. |
46 |
Computing Research and Education Association Australasia, submission 116.2 (116 KB), p 3. |
47 |
Computing Research and Education Association Australasia, submission 116.2 (116 KB), p 3. |
48 |
Sheridan and Associates, Evaluation of the remote electronic voting trial for overseas based ADF personnel electors at the 2007 Federal Election: Final evaluation report (2008), p 39. |
49 |
Computing Research and Education Association Australasia, submission 116.1 (PDF 1 MB), pp 5–6. |
50 |
Computing Research and Education Association Australasia, submission 116.1 (PDF 1 MB), pp 5–6. |
51 |
Teague V, Computing Research and Education Association Australasia, transcript, 12 August 2008 (PDF 376 KB), p 58. |
52 |
Computing Research and Education Association Australasia, submission 116.2 (116 KB), p 4. |
53 |
Robinson G, Department of Defence, transcript, 17 October 2008 (PDF 351 KB), p 49. |
54 |
Computing Research and Education Association Australasia, submission 116.2 (116 KB), p 4. |
55 |
Australian Electoral Commission, submission 169.11 (PDF 139 KB), p 5. |
56 |
Australian Electoral Commission, submission 169.11 (PDF 139 KB), p 1. |
57 |
Australian Electoral Commission, submission 169.11 (PDF 139 KB), p 5. |
58 |
Australian Electoral Commission, submission 169.11 (PDF 139 KB), p 5. |
59 |
Australian Electoral Commission, ssubmission 169.11 (PDF 139 KB), p 5. |