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Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Events in the Division of Lindsay - submissions and hearing transcript

Inquiry into the 2007 Federal Election Main Report

On 27 February 2008 the Special Minister for State, Senator the Hon John Faulkner, asked the Committee to inquire into and report on all aspects of the 2007 Federal Election and matters related thereto.

On 12 March the Senate referred a similar reference to the Committee.

On 14 May 2007 the Senate referred the Commonwealth Electoral (Above-the-Line Voting) Amendment Bill 2008 for inquiry and report as part of its inquiry into the 2007 Federal Election.

The Committee has resolved to conduct one inquiry encompassing these three references.

On 18 June 2008 the Senate referred the Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Political Donations and other measures) Bill 2008 for inquiry and report on 30 June 2009 in conjunction with the comittee's inquiry into the 2007 election.

Terms of reference


Public hearings

Media releases

Report 1: Report on the 2007 federal election electronic voting trials

Report 2: Report on the conduct of the 2007 federal election and matters related thereto

Report 3: Advisory Report on the Commonwealth Electoral (Above-the-Line Voting) Amendment Bill 2008

Report 4: Report on the 2007 Election - Events in the Division of Lindsay