

Submissions to this inquiry were received from the following individuals/organisations and copies of some of those submissions are available on this site or from the Committee Secretariat. Further submissions will be made available on this site as original paper copies are converted to electronic documents.

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No Received from
1 Mark Hurd (PDF 3KB)
2 Ms Lauren Taylor (PDF 3KB)
3 Mr Brian Bagnall (PDF 3KB)
4 Mr Andrew Best (PDF 3KB)
5 Mr Tom Brown (PDF 3KB)
6 Mr James David Porteous (PDF 4KB)
7 Mr Steve Leo (PDF 4KB)
8 Mrs Deborah Foster (PDF 60KB)
9 Mr Jeff Rogers (PDF 3KB)
10 Mr Jason Caley (PDF 5KB)
11 Mr Nicholas Evangelou (PDF 5KB)
12 Bantwal Baliga (PDF 3KB)
13 Ms Judeth Tamar Newham (PDF 3KB)
14 Peter & Renata Singer (PDF 3KB)
15 Ms Pamela Gaye Clements (PDF 5KB)
16 Ms Julie Dossey (PDF 3KB)
17 Mr G H Schorel-Hlavka (PDF 241KB)
18 Mr Michael Williams (PDF 3KB)
19 Mr David Combe (PDF 67KB)
20 Mr Tom Dolling (PDF 101KB)
21 Ms Linda Reeb (PDF 7KB)
22 Ms Gaye Rochow (PDF 4KB)
23 Mr Alexander Donald Zielinski (PDF 4KB)
24 Wlodek Kowalik (PDF 44KB)
25 Mr Peter Goss (pdf 5KB)
26 Ms Valerie Yule (PDF 404KB)
27 Mr Brian Gaensler (PDF 4KB)
28 Ms Susie LeBlanc (PDF 3KB)
29 Mr Senan John Whelan (PDF 3KB)
30 Mr Paul McLachlan (PDF 3KB)
31 Mr Michael Graig (PDF 3KB)
32 Friends of the Earth (PDF 200KB)
33 Ms Rosemary Kniepp (PDF 7KB)
34 Ms Anne Maxwell (PDF 4KB)
35 Mr Stan McConnell (PDF 503KB)
36 Mrs Lorna Jean Graham (PDF 262KB)
37 Mr Brendan Sheehy (PDF 159KB)
38 Mr Robert Bom (PDF 345KB) 39 Mr & Mrs Wynn (PDF 320KB) 40 Mr Eero Laurila (PDF 935KB) 41 Mr David Findlay (PDF 41KB) 42 Mr Simon Yencken (PDF 58KB) 43 Mr Wayne Brabazon (PDF 159KB) 44 Mr Anthony Feo (PDF 56KB) 45 Ms Gina Behrens (PDF 105KB) 46 Ms Pauline Chitty (PDF 151KB) 47 Mrs Pitman (PDF 351KB) 48 Mrs P Sved (PDF 8KB) 49 Mr Adrian Bye (PDF 4KB) 50 Mr Ron Munro (PDF 190KB) 51 Mr John Ley (PDF 4KB) 52 Ms Stephanie Helm (PDF 4KB) 53 Mr Karl Anthony Phillips (PDF 4KB) 54 Mr Leigh Dwyer (PDF 6KB) 55 Dr J Paul Robinson (PDF 41KB) 56 Mr Kenneth Hayes (PDF 234KB) 57 Mr Alan Jeffrey (PDF 151KB) 58 Mr Robert Hay (PDF 249KB) 59 Australian-New Zealand - American Chambers of Commerce (PDF 709KB) 60 Ms Caroline Bissey (PDF 132KB) 61 Dr Lucy Zinkiewicz (PDF 83KB) 62 Mrs Meryl Meiklejohn (PDF 69KB) 63 Mrs J Singleton (PDF 52KB) 64 Mr Ian Moller (PDF 91KB) 65 Ms Shannon Tobin (PDF 128KB) 66 Progressive Labour Party (PDF 49KB) 67 Mr Ian Bowie (PDF 322KB) 68 Ms Antasia Azure (PDF 243KB) 69 Ms Dawn Easton (PDF 4KB) 70 Mr Alan Kindred (PDF 5KB) 71 Festival of Light (PDF 692KB) 72 Rev Stefan Slucki (PDF 102KB) 73 Emeritus Professor Colin Hughes (PDF 255KB) 74 Mr Trevor Jacobs (PDF 75KB) 75 Mr and Mrs Henry and Sheena Brookman (PDF 177KB) 76 Ms Michelle Kelleher (PDF 215KB) 77 Mr Bruce Kirkpatrick (PDF 1031KB) 78 Mr Matthew Bye (PDF 155KB) 79 Mr Jeff Gomes (PDF 223KB) 80 Mr Peter Andren MP (PDF 2924KB) 81 Hon. Robert McClelland MP (PDF 705KB) 82 Ms Kerrie Donlon (PDF 153KB) 83 Mr Grant Marani (PDF 92KB) 84 Mr DG Holmes (PDF 70KB) 85 Ms Janet Magnin (PDF 341KB) 86. Mr David Partlett (PDF 93KB) 87 Ms Lisbeth Shelley (PDF 358KB) 88 Ms Gail Gottwald (PDF 107KB) 89 Mr David Hudson (PDF 152KB) 90 Mr Brad Tyler-West (PDF 109KB) 91 Ms Erin Johanson (PDF 184KB) 92 Mr Cameron Bray (PDF 339KB) 93 Mr Roger E Deshon (PDF 108KB) 94 Ms Catherine Hautenauve (PDF 103KB) 95 Ms Julia Irwin MP (PDF 22KB) 96 Mr James Cattlin (PDF 116KB) 97 The Electoral Reform Society of South Australia (Part A) (PDF 862KB) (Part B) (PDF 2613KB) 98 Mr Eric Lockett (PDF 59KB) 99 Mr Ron Murray (PDF 147KB) 100 Ms Rosemarie Goonewardene (PDF 210KB) 101 Mr David Bailin (PDF 93KB) 102 Ms Denise Burns (PDF 165KB) 103 Council for the National Interest (PDF 359KB) 104 Dr Ross Mair (PDF 438KB) (Attachment) (PDF 504KB) 105 Council of Homeless Persons (PDF 49KB) 106 Mr John Rogers (PDF 466KB) 107 Mr B Joy (PDF 101KB) 108 Mr Barry Wakelin MP (PDF 228KB) 109 Mr Warren Grzic (PDF 898KB) 110 Ms Anne MacGregor (PDF 49KB) 111 Mr John Wulff (PDF 175KB) 112 Ms Robyn Stephenson (PDF 197KB) 113 Ms Kim Austin (PDF 90KB) 114 Mrs Merran Loewenthal (PDF 89KB) 115 Mr Aaron Gray-Block (PDF 163KB) 116 Mr Marcus Brown (PDF 43KB) 117 C Dendrowskyj (PDF 40KB) 118 Mr Stephen Blackney (PDF 109KB) 119 Ms Angela Ryan (PDF 405KB) 120 Mr Philip Lillingston (PDF 508KB) 121 Ms Christine Cunningham (PDF 174KB) 122 Ms Jacqueline Mowbray (PDF 628KB) 123 Ms Leah Quinn (PDF 71KB) 124 Ms Anne Tischlinger (PDF 42KB) 125 Ms Christine Drum (PDF 140KB) 126 Mr Geoff Field (PDF 245KB) 127 Ms Patina Blakeney (PDF 50KB) 128 Mr John MacGregor (PDF 480KB) 129 The Hon Bob Katter MP (PDF 171KB) 130 Ms Heather Small (PDF 203KB) 131 Mr Neil Worrall (PDF 258KB) 132 Mr Don Annear (PDF 855KB) 133 Mr Peter Brun (PDF 203KB) 134 Ms Leally Chen (PDF 247KB) 135 Salt Shakers (PDF 411KB) 136 Mr Eric Lockett (PDF 114KB) 137 Ms Catherine Rawson (PDF 120KB) 138 Ms Harriet O'Malley (PDF 40KB) 139 Mr John Griffin (PDF 142KB) 140 Ms Ruth Gibbs(PDF 408KB)Attachment 141 Mr D F McAlister (PDF 373KB) 142 Australian-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce (Philippines) Inc (PDF 71KB) 143 Ms Margarity Frost (PDF 51KB) 144 Mr Don Mitchell (PDF 224KB) 145 Homeless Persons Legal Clinic (PDF 3164KB) 146 H. S. Chapman Society (PDF 1059KB) 147 Australian Electoral Commission - Submission (PDF 172KB) 147A Australian Electoral Commission Attachment A (PDF 14KB) 147B Australian Electoral Commission Attachment B (PDF 31KB) 147C Australian Electoral Commission Attachment C (PDF 43KB) 147D Australian Electoral Commission Attachment D (PDF 100KB) 147E Australian Electoral CommissionAttachment E (PDF 359KB) 147F Australian Electoral Commission Attachment F (PDF 81KB) 147G Australian Electoral Commission Attachment G (PDF 96KB) 147H Australian Electoral Commission Attachment H (PDF 51KB) 147I Australian Electoral Commission Attachment I (PDF 16KB) 148 The Southern Cross Group (PDF 173KB) 149 Liberal Party of Australia (PDF 14KB) 150 The Big Issue (PDF 2614KB) 151 Mr Perry Ballard (PDF 230KB) 152 Vancouver Denmark ALP Sub-Branch (PDF 226KB) 153 Australian Labor Party (PDF 3817KB) 154 Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner (PDF 747KB) 155 Hope Party Australia (PDF 648KB) 156 Mr AJ Beeney (PDF 385KB) 157 Mr Jason Caley (Supplementary) (PDF 12KB) 158 The Greens NSW (PDF 409KB) 159 Republican Party of Australia (PDF 322KB) 160 Mrs Helen Bourke (PDF 2174KB) 161 Mr Anthony & Mrs Janet Linden (PDF 6KB) 162 The Hon Chris Gallus MP (PDF 1175KB) 163 Mr Victor Lawther (PDF 209KB) 164 Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner (Supplementary) (PDF 1455KB) 165 Australian Electoral Commission (Supplementary) (PDF 954KB) 166 Australian Electoral Commission (Supplementary) (PDF 4122KB) 167 B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation Commission Inc (PDF 3392KB) 168 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (PDF 2981KB) 169 Manly Council (PDF 65KB) 170 H. S. Chapman Society (Supplementary) (PDF 34KB) 171 Mr Barry Wakelin (Supplementary) (PDF 168KB) 172 Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner (Supplementary) (PDF 2,157KB) 173 Heather Small (Supplementary) (PDF 46KB) 174 Australian Electoral Commission (Supplementary) (PDF 6,524KB) 175 Mr Scott Goodrick (PDF 9KB) 176 Ministry for Police (PDF KB) 177 G E Whitfield (PDF 1,230KB) 178 Liberal Party of Australia (Supplementary) (PDF 271KB) 179 Australian Labor Party (Supplementary) (PDF 371KB) 180 Citizens Electoral Council of Australia (PDF 670KB) 181 Australian Electoral Commission (Supplementary) (PDF 149KB) 182 Australian Electoral Commission (Supplementary) (PDF 146KB) 183 Liberal Party of Australia (Supplementary) (PDF 340KB) 184 Alex MacFarlane (PDF 185KB) 185 The Southern Cross Group (Supplementary) (PDF 293KB) 186 Australian Electoral Commission (Supplementary) (PDF 59KB) 187 The Southern Cross Group (Supplementary) (PDF 223KB) 188 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Supplementary) (PDF 1,376KB) 189 Liberal Party of Australia (Supplementary) (PDF 117KB) 190 Australian Electoral Commission (Supplementary) (PDF 453KB) 191 AIS Support Group Australia (PDF 7KB) 192 Mr Simon Steer (PDF 6KB) --> 193 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Supplementary) (PDF 230KB) 194 Australian Taxation Office (PDF 3500KB) 195 Australian Communications Authority (PDF 1364KB) 196 Mr Jim South (PDF 11KB) 197 Mr Gavin Stevenson (PDF 438KB) 198 Australian Electoral Commission (Supplementary) (PDF 75KB) 199 Australian Electoral Commission (Supplementary) (PDF 3680KB) 200 Australian Electoral Commission (supplementary (PDF 120KB) 201 Mr Peter Makeig (PDF 200KB) 202 Southern Cross Group (Supplementary) (PDF 251KB) 203 Australian Electoral Commission (Supplementary) (PDF 50KB)