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Chapter 1 Background to the Delegation

[1]       Senator the Hon Bob Carr, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Media Release, 2012-13 International Development Assistance Budget, 8 May 2012.

Chapter 2 Indonesia -  

[1]       Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Indonesia country brief, <>, viewed 2 April 2012.

[2]       AusAID, Australia Indonesia Partnership Country Strategy 2008-13, 2008, p. 2.

[3]       Secretariat General of DPD RI, DPD RI (Senate) in the Parliament of Indonesia, p. 1.

[4]       Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Indonesia country brief, <>, viewed 2 April 2012.

[5]       Jakarta Post, Articles: <>, <> and<>, viewed 30 April 2012.

[6]       Komisi Pemilhan Umum (KPU), The 2009 Elections in numbers, 2010, p. 3.

[7]       AusAID, Annual program performance report 2010: Indonesia, p. 43.

[8]       International Foundation for Electoral Systems, IFES Indonesia: Electoral Survey 2010, November 2010, pp. 3-5.

[9]       Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Indonesia: Fact Sheet, <>, viewed 2 April 2012.

[10]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Indonesia country brief, <>, viewed 2 April 2012.

[11]     AusAID, Annual Report 1998-1999, pp. 48-49.

[12]     AusAID, Annual Report 2003-2004,  p. 62.

[13]     AusAID, Annual program performance report 2010: Indonesia, p. 44.

[14]     AusAID website, <>, viewed 2 April 2012.

Chapter 3 Tonga

[1]       Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Tonga: Fact sheet, <>, viewed 26 March 2012.

[2]       Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Tonga: Fact sheet, <>, viewed 26 March 2012.

[3]       Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Tonga: Fact sheet, <>, viewed 26 March 2012.

[4]       AusAID website, <>, viewed 19 April 2012.

[5]       The Australia-Tonga Partnership for Development, August 2009, is available on the AusAID website at: <>

[6]       AusAID website, <>, viewed 19 April 2012.

[7]       DFAT website, <>, viewed 16 April 2012.

[8]       Partnership for Development between the Government of Australia and the Government of Tonga, August 2009, p. 1.

[9]       Lord Tu’ivakano, Prime Minister of Tonga, Prime Minister’s Statement at the General Debate of the 66th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, 24 September 2011.

[10]     Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Annual Report 2006-2007, October 2007, p. 87.

[11]     Constitutional and Electoral Commission, Final Report, 5 November 2009, Kingdom of Tonga, pp. 118-119.

[12]     Government of Tonga, His Majesty King George Tupou V: A Monarch for a Time of Change, 28 July 2008, <>

[13]      ABC News, Tonga's colourful king dead at 63, 20 March 2012, < >, viewed 26 March 2012.

[14]     Office of the Electoral Commission (Tonga), Report of the Electoral Commission on the conduct of the General Election 2010, February 2011, Annex III—Joint Statement, p. 1.

[15]     Office of the Electoral Commission (Tonga), Report of the Electoral Commission on the conduct of the General Election 2010, February 2011, p. 21.

[16]     Office of the Electoral Commission (Tonga), Report of the Electoral Commission on the conduct of the General Election 2010, February 2011, p. 1.

[17]     Office of the Electoral Commission (Tonga), Report of the Electoral Commission on the conduct of the General Election 2010, February 2011, pp. 20-21.

[18]     Office of the Electoral Commission (Tonga), Report of the Electoral Commission on the conduct of the General Election 2010, February 2011, Annex III—Joint Statement, pp. 1-2.