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Recommendation 1

3.50    The committee recommends that an integrity testing program be introduced for certain Commonwealth law enforcement agencies.

Recommendation 2

3.51    The committee has received evidence about types of integrity testing and recommends that targeted integrity testing be the preferred method.

Recommendation 3

4.6        The committee recommends that an integrity testing program initially apply to law enforcement agencies within ACLEI's jurisdiction.

Recommendation 4

4.21    The committee recommends that the Integrity Commissioner and heads of agencies under the jurisdiction of ACLEI be given the ability to authorise integrity tests in the course of their investigations into corruption issues.

Recommendation 5

4.56    The committee recommends that relevant legislation be amended, or if necessary, created, so as to allow covert policing powers to be used for the purpose of targeted integrity testing of an officer or employee of an agency under the jurisdiction of ACLEI, or group thereof, where there are allegations or suspicions of corrupt behaviour.

Recommendation 6

4.64    The committee recommends that legislative amendments be made mirroring the relevant parts of controlled operations legislation so that the Commonwealth Ombudsman is enabled to provide an annual report to Parliament on the use of integrity testing and associated covert policing powers.

Recommendation 7

4.66    The committee recommends that:

  • the Integrity Commissioner be notified of any integrity test that is to be conducted by an agency within ACLEI's jurisdiction as well as the outcome of such tests; and
  • the Integrity Commissioner may at his discretion be involved in or take control of the integrity test.

Recommendation 8

4.69    The committee recommends that as part of the committee's annual examination of the ACLEI annual report, ACLEI provide a private briefing to the PJC-ACLEI on the number and outcome of integrity tests conducted.

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