On 5 March 2015, in the 44th Parliament, the committee commenced an inquiry into the integrity of Australia's border arrangements. The inquiry was re-referred at the beginning of the 45th Parliament, and lapsed with the dissolution of the House of Representatives on 11 April 2019.
Information on the inquiry in the 44th Parliament is available here, and in the 45th Parliament here.
On 16 October 2019, the committee resolved to re-refer the inquiry in the 46th Parliament, and to refer as it sees fit to evidence to the inquiry received in the 44th and 45th Parliaments. This means that submissions already provided to the committee for this inquiry do not need to be resubmitted.
The committee is calling for further submissions, which can include new submissions or updates to past submissions. Submitters might note that, going forward, the committee intends to focus on impacts to the integrity of Australia's border arrangements arising from a) ACLEI's expanded jurisdiction in recent years, and b) the integrity mechanisms for border agencies in Pacific nations'. However, the committee also welcomes submissions addressing other matters relevant to the inquiry terms of reference. Submissions are due by Friday 1 May 2020.