

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006, s. 3.

[2]        House Votes and Proceedings, 9 November 2015, p. 1692; Journals of the Senate, 9 November 2015, p. 3285.

[3]        Certificates issued under section 149 relate to the Attorney-General's ability under the LEIC Act to certify that disclosure of information or document contents would be contrary to the public interest on one or more grounds. These include, but are not limited to: prejudicing the security, defence or international relations of the Commonwealth; or the disclosure of ministerial communications or relations between the Commonwealth and states and territories.

[4]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, pp 190–193.

[5]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, pp 190–193.

[6]        PJC-ACLEI, Examination of the Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2010-11, p. 2.

[7]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 84. 

Chapter 2 - Strategy and performance

[1]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 11.

[2]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 11.

[3]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 7; Customs and Other Legislation Amendment (Australian Border Force) Act 2015, ss 2(1), 84–90.

[4]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 43.

[5]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 24.

[6]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 58.

[7]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 48.

[8]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 6.

[9]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 185.

[10]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 185.

[11]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 8.

[12]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 8.

[13]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 9.

[14]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 9.

[15]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 24.

[16]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 5.

[17]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 9.

[18]      Mr Michael Griffin, Integrity Commissioner, ACLEI, Committee Hansard, 4 February 2016, p. 2.

[19]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 9.

[20]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 9.

[21]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 9.

[22]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 44.

[23]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 43.

[24]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 43.

[25]      Mr Michael Griffin, Integrity Commissioner, ACLEI, Committee Hansard, 4 February 2016, p. 2.

[26]      Mr Michael Griffin, Integrity Commissioner, ACLEI, Committee Hansard, 4 February 2016, p. 3.

[27]      Mr Michael Griffin, Integrity Commissioner, ACLEI, Committee Hansard, 4 February 2016, p. 2.

[28]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, pp 124–125.

[29]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 125.

[30]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 23.

[31]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 28.

[32]      Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006, s. 19.

[33]      Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Regulations 2006, s. 8.

[34]      Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006, ss. 18 and 23.

[35]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, pp 29 and 64.

[36]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 29.

[37]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, pp 28 and 65.

[38]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 28.

[39]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 28.

[40]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 62.

[41]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 62.

[42]      Mr Michael Griffin, Integrity Commissioner, ACLEI, Committee Hansard, 4 February 2016, p. 3.

[43]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 30.

[44]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 30.

[45]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, pp 30–31.

[46]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 31.

[47]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 31.

[48]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 31.

[49]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, pp 8, 30 and 75.

[50]      See paragraphs 3.25–3.31.

[51]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 32.

[52]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 32.

[53]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 32.

[54]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 33.

[55]      Law Enforcement Integrity Act 2006, s. 26.

[56]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 35.

[57]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 35.

[58]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 35.

[59]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 35.

[60]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 35.

[61]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 35.

[62]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 35.

[63]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 75.

[64]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 75.

[65]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 37.

[66]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 37.

[67]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 39.

[68]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 39.

[69]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 39. Specific details of ACLEI's outreach activities are included in Appendix 1 of the annual report.

[70]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 41.

[71]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 41.

[72]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 41.

Chapter 3 - Issues

[1]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 91.

[2]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 91.

[3]        Australian Federal Police, Media Release, (accessed 22 December 2015).

[4]        AUSTRAC, Minister for Justice media release: New era for Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre, (accessed 22 December 2015).

[5]        Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Michael Pezzullo, Secretary, (accessed 22 December 2015).

[6]        Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Roman Quaedvlieg APM, (accessed 22 December 2015).

[7]        The Hon. Barnaby Joyce, MP, Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, 'Agriculture Minister welcomes new Secretary', Media Release, 10 June 2015, (accessed 19 January 2015).

[8]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 91.

[9]        ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 91.

[10]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 85.

[11]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 85.

[12]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 86.

[13]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 87.

[14]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 89.

[15]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 90.

[16]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 90.

[17]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 90.

[18]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 83; ACLEI, Report 01/2015 Operation Helix – a joint investigation into alleged drug use by Australian Customs and Border Protection Service ICT employees

[19]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 83.

[20]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 90.

[21]      See paragraph 3.2.

[22]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 91.

[23]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 90.

[24]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 90.

[25]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 70.

[26]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 70.

[27]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2013-14, p. 81.

[28]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 70.

[29]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 71.

[30]      Mr Michael Griffin AM, Integrity Commissioner, ACLEI, Committee Hansard, 4 February 2016, p. 4.

[31]      Law Enforcement Integrity Commission Act 2006, s. 218.

[32]      PJC-ACLEI, Examination of the Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2012-13, September 2014, p. 22; PJC-ACLEI, Examination of the Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2013-14, June 2015, p. 23

[33]      ACLEI, Response to PJC-ACLEI Examination of the 2013-14 Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner, 9 June 2015, p. 3.

[34]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 62.

[35]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 76.

[36]      ACLEI, Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner 2014-15, p. 30.