Chapter 1

Chapter 1


1.1        The Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI) was established by the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006 (LEIC Act) and commenced operation on 30 December 2006. The LEIC Act established the Office of the Integrity Commissioner, supported by a statutory authority, ACLEI.

1.2        Section 3 of the LEIC Act sets out the objectives of ACLEI to:

1.3        The 2014-15 Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner (annual report) was presented to the Minister for Justice, the Hon Michael Keenan MP, on 14 October 2015 and was tabled in both the House of Representatives and the Senate on 9 November 2015.[2]

Requirements for annual reports

1.4        Section 201 of the LEIC Act requires ACLEI's annual report to provide details of:

1.5        The 2014-15 annual report includes an index that provides a guide to the report's compliance with the requirements set out in the LEIC Act and associated regulations.[4] The committee is satisfied that ACLEI has fulfilled its annual report obligations under the LEIC Act and other requirements as set out in the compliance index of the annual report.[5]

Requirements for the examination of annual reports

1.6        Paragraph 215(1)(c) of the LEIC Act requires the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (the committee) to examine:

Requirements for special reports

1.7        Under section 204 of the LEIC Act, the Integrity Commissioner may prepare special reports that relate to the operations of the Integrity Commissioner or any matter in connection with the performance of the Integrity Commissioner's powers or functions under the LEIC Act.

1.8        In its report on ACLEI's 2010-11 annual report, the committee suggested that future ACLEI annual reports 'clearly state whether any special reports have been provided to the Minister and make an appropriate reference in the compliance index'.[6] ACLEI has adopted this suggestion.

1.9        The 2014-15 annual report states that the Integrity Commissioner prepared no special reports during the review period.[7]

Conduct of the inquiry

1.10      The committee held a public hearing to examine the annual report on 4 February 2016. During the hearing, the committee heard evidence from the Integrity Commissioner, Mr Michael Griffin AM and other ACLEI officers. The list of witnesses is provided in Appendix 1.


1.11      The committee congratulates ACLEI officers for their consistently high quality annual reports and for their ongoing co-operation and engagement with the committee's inquiries.

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