Appendix 2

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Appendix 2

Key facts and figures

ACLEI at a glance: 2010-11[1]


2010-11 result (previous year)

Workload (see also attached flowchart)

New corruption issues notified in 2010-11

90 (80)

Corruption issues carried over from previous years

90 (49)

Corruption issues arising from Customs & Bord. Prtcn.

23 (N/A)

Total corruption issues

180 (130)

Corruption issues under investigation by ACLEI

35 (22)

Corruption issue investigations by other agencies

72 (47)

Total investigations active in 2010-11

107 (70)

ACLEI investigations finalised

3 (3)

ACLEI investigations discontinued

12 (1)

Agency investigations finalised

18 (6)

Agency investigations discontinued

5 (0)

Corruption issues concluded in 2010-11

100 (41)

Corruption issues carried over to 2011-12

80 (90)

Assessments concluded within 90 days of receipt of issue

76% (60%)

Impact of ACLEI activity

Officers dismissed as a result of ACLEI information


Officers suspended as a result of ACLEI information


Officers counselled as a result of ACLEI information


Use of special powers

Notices to produce information issued

22 (14)

Private hearings held

7 (27)

Search warrants executed

7 (2)

Telecommunications warrants executed

4 (1)

Surveillance device warrant

0 (0)

Controlled operation authorisation

0 (0)

Assumed identity operation

0 (0)

Other outputs

Reports to Minister from ACLEI

3 (2 public, 1 confidential)

ACLEI presentations on corruption (various audiences)

34 (40)


Expenses in 2010-11

$4.8m ($4.3m)

Budget 2010-11 (including supplementary amounts)

$5.2m ($4.2m)


Staffing level at end of 2010-11 (ongoing)

24 (17)

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