Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


3.1        The 2007-08 year was a period of learning and consolidation for ACLEI. Of significant note was ACLEI's smooth transition to corporate autonomy and the strengthening of ACLEI's internal governance arrangements. These provide a solid basis for ACLEI as it continues to build on and refine its assessment and investigation expertise.

3.2        The committee believes that the Integrity Commissioner has had sufficient time to gain an informed understanding of the organisation's immediate resourcing needs as well as the building blocks that need to be put in place in the near future.  It is clear from this Annual Report that those resourcing needs are not being sufficiently addressed.

3.3        The principal role of this committee is to 'monitor and review the Integrity Commissioner's performance of his or her functions' and report to Parliament 'on any matter connected with the performance of the Integrity Commissioner's functions'.[1]  On this basis the committee urges the Government to review ACLEI's funding as a matter of priority. The committee believes that current funding levels will not enable the Integrity Commissioner to fully perform his functions within the context of an escalating workload.

3.4        The committee commends the Integrity Commissioner, Mr Philip Moss, and his staff for the expertise, dedication and care that has been brought to the complex task of establishing a new agency. The committee appreciates the determination of the Integrity Commissioner to get things 'right' so that ACLEI can grow from a robust foundation. The committee further commends ACLEI and the agencies overseen by ACLEI for the productive relationships that they have jointly fostered.

3.5        The committee congratulates ACLEI on the production of a thorough and informative Annual Report.


Ms Melissa Parke MP

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