AANA | Australian Association of National Advertisers |
ABA | Australian Banking Association |
ACCC | Australian Competition and Consumer Commission |
ACL | Australian Consumer Law |
ACMA | Australian Communications and Media Authority |
AFL | Australian Football League |
AGR | Alliance for Gambling Reform |
AGRC | Australian Institute of Family Studies’ Australian Gambling Research Centre |
AGSA | Australian Gaming and Screens Alliance |
AHISA | Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia |
AHPA | Australian Health Promotion Association |
AIFS | Australian Institute of Family Studies |
ALNA | Australian Lottery and Newsagents Association |
AMA | Australian Medical Association |
AML/CTF Act | Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 |
APS | Australian Psychological Society |
ASWS | Australian Sports Wagering Scheme |
AUSTRAC | Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre |
BGC | Betting and Gaming Council |
BSA | Broadcasting Services Act 1992 |
CALD | culturally and linguistically diverse |
COMPPS | Coalition of Major Professional and Participation Sports |
CPRC | Consumer Policy Research Centre |
CQ University | Central Queensland University |
CRA | Commercial Radio and Audio |
DIGI | Digital Industry group Inc. |
DITRDCA | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and the Arts |
DSS | Department of Social Services |
FCA | Financial Counselling Australia |
GMA | Gambling Measures Act 2021 |
GST | Goods and Services Tax |
GTRC | Gambling Treatment and Research Clinic, University of Sydney |
IARC | International Age Rating Coalition |
IGA | Interactive Gambling Act 2001 |
IGEA | Interactive Games and Entertainment Association |
ISGA | International Social Games Association |
NACCHO | National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation |
National Credit Act | National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 |
NCPF | National Consumer Protection Framework for Online Wagering |
NIGA | Norfolk Island Gaming Authority |
NRL | National Rugby League |
NTRC | Northern Territory Racing Commission |
OAIC | Office of the Australian Information Commissioner |
PJCCFS | Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services |
POC | point of consumption |
QUT | Queensland University of Technology |
RACP | Royal Australasian College of Physicians |
RANZCP | Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists |
RWA | Responsible Wagering Australia |
SACCs | Small amount credit contracts |
SPA | Suicide Prevention Australia |
URLs | Uniform Resource Locators |
VASS | Victorian Arabic Social Services |
VPNs | virtual private networks |
VRGF | Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WHO FTC 2003 | World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control |
WSPs | wagering service providers |