Role of the Committee

The Committee of Privileges and Members' Interests is appointed to:

The House has passed several resolutions with continuing effect in relation to the declaration of registrable interests.

The House also passed resolutions on 4 April 2019, and 29 November 2021, giving the committee further responsibilities relating to a Register of Members’ qualifications relating to sections 44 and 45 of the Constitution, and a Members’ Training Program Register.

These resolutions give the committee the same powers and functions in relation to the two registers as it has in relation to the Register of Members’ Interests, including the power to inquire into a relevant matter referred to it by the House.


See also:


Other information about committee procedures

The procedure for raising and dealing with questions of privilege and details of the functions and procedures of the committee are discussed in detail in Chapter 20 - Parliamentary privilege in House of Representatives Practice, 7th ed., Department of the House of Representatives, Canberra, 2018. See also House of Representatives Infosheet No. 5 - Parliamentary Privilege

The committee may call for witnesses and documents, but when considering a matter concerning the registration or declaration of Members' Interests it must not exercise that power or undertake of a person's private interests unless the action is approved by at least 6 members of the committee other than the Chair.

The committee may report when it sees fit, and must report to the House on its operations in connection with the registration and declaration of Members' interests during the year as soon as possible after 31 December each year.

Previous committees

Prior to the dissolution of the House for the 2007 general election the predecessors to this committee were known as the Standing Committee of Privileges and Standing Committee of Members' Interests

A full list of reports tabled by the Committee and its predecessors is available online together with reports of inquiries completed since 1997.

About this committee

The Committee of Privileges and Members’ Interests is established under standing order 216 of the House of Representatives.
Track this Committee

Committee Secretariat contact:

The Secretary
House of Representatives Standing Committee of Privileges and Members' Interests
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 4222