B. Exhibits

1.QA Vaping
E-cigarettes: an evidence update, a report commissioned by Public Health England, August 2015.
2.Mr David Nutt
Nutt, D., Phillips, L.D., Balfour, D., Curran, H.V., Dockrell, M., Foulds, J., Fagerstrom, K., Letlape, K., Milton, A., Polosa, R., Ramsey, J., Sweanor, D., Estimating the Harms of Nicotine-Containing Products Using the MCDA Approach, European Addiction Research, 2014.
3.Professor Stanton Glantz and David Bareham
David W. Bareham and Stanton A. Glantz, E-Cigarettes: Use, Effects on Smoking, Risks, and Policy Implications, Annual Review of Public Health, scheduled for publication March 2018.
4.Peregrine Corporation
Statement from specialists in nicotine science and public health policy, 26 May 2014.
a) Letter to Director General, World Health Organization, 16 June 2014.
5.National Health and Medical Research Council
NHMRC CEO Statement: Electronic Cigarettes (E-Cigarettes), 3 April 2017.
6.Fact Asia
David Sweanor, Comment: Pragmatism on nicotine could save lives, Financial Times, 22 February 2017.
a) Vaporised Nicotine Products Bill 2017, Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia.
b) Public Health England, E-cigarettes: a developing public health consensus, July 2016.
7.Mr Chris Snowdon
Christopher Snowdon, Free Market Solutions in Health – the Case of Nicotine, Current Controversies Paper No. 45, Institute of Economic Affairs, July 2013.
8.Adjunct Professor David T Sweanor
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research in collaboration with the Tobacco Control Directorate, Health Canada, Best Brains Exchange Report: Measuring and Managing the Risks and Benefits of Vaping Products in Canada, 20 March 2017.
9.Dr Karen Counter
Martinne Geller, Tobacco Group Philip Morris Sees IQOS as Key to Smokeless Future in UK, Medscape, 3 July 2017.
a) Jonas Z Hines, MD et al, Electronic Cigarettes as an Introductory Tobacco Product Among Eighth and 11th Grade Tobacco Users – Oregon, 2015, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 2017.
b) Claudio Tanner, E-cigarettes are NOT harmless – chemicals in vaping trigger bladder cancer, study reveals, 17 May 2017.
10.Emeritus Professor Simon Chapman
Tobacco Control, Teenagers, Smoking and Transnational Tobacco Corporations: Evidence from Tobacco Industry Documents, online presentation.
a) Simon Chapman, Mike Daube and Wasim Maziak, Should e-cigarette use be permitted in smoke free public places? – No, Tobacco Control.
11.Philip Morris Limited
Philip Morris, Designing a Smoke-Free Future.
a) PMI Research and Development, Executive Summary, PMI application to the US Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
b) PMI Science, Reduced-Risk Product Scientific Update, Issue 1, September 2016.
c) PMI Science, Scientific Update for Smoke-Free Products, Issue 2, May 2017.
12.Quit Victoria
Copy of Submission from the Cancer Council Australia and the National Heart Foundation Australia.
13.Cormorant Policy Advice
Cormorant Submission to the TGA on an Application to Amend Schedule 7 of the Poisons Standard in Relation to Nicotine, 1 September 2016.
Associate Professor Colin Mendelsohn, Dr Alex Wodak and Dr Catherine Silsbury
UK Department of Health; Towards a Smokefree Generation: A Tobacco Control Plan for England, July 2017.
15.Associate Professor Colin Mendelsohn
BMJ Article: Rise in E-cigarette use linked to increase in smoking cessation rates, Christopher Bullen, 26 July 2017.
a) BMJ Article: E-cigarette use and associated changes in population smoking cessation: evidence from US current population surveys, 4 July 2017.
16.National Heart Foundation of Australia
Images used in advertisements in the USA for the marketing of electronic cigarettes.
17.Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance
Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australasia Position Statement #3: Electronic Cigarettes for Tobacco Harm Reduction, September 2017.
a) Letter from 69 signatories to the National Health and Medical Research Council seeking a review of the harm minimisation impact of smoking electronic cigarettes, 5 October 2017.
b) Queensland Government, Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service, Correspondence notifying seizure of presumed illegal substances: Vegasm Vape Juice 100 ml and Still Hangin Vape Juice 100ml and Notice of forfeiture of seized thing completed form: Vegasm Vape Juice 100 ml (2100mg/kg Nicotine) and Still Hangin Vape Juice 100 ml (2100 mg/kg Nicotine).
c) Government of Western Australia, Regulatory Support and Training Unit, Correspondence to Australian importer of Nicotine from the United States of America, notifying possible breach of Poisons Act 1964, 20 March 2015.
d) Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, Summary of Australian State and Territory Penalties for the possession, use or obtaining of nicotine for use in personal vaporisers, 5 October 2017.
18.Philip Morris (Australia) Ltd.
Philip Morris Australia New Zealand and the Pacific, and PMI Science, Slides accompanying opening statement, 5 October 2017.
a) Philip Morris International, Sustainability Report, Communication on Progress, United Nations Global Compact, 2016.
b) Brochure - Philip Morris International, Product Acceptance and Usage of IQOS, July 2017.
19.Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK: List of Funded E-Cigarette Research.
a) Young People’s Use of E-Cigarettes across the United Kingdom: Findings from Five Surveys 2015–2017, Linda Bauld et al. August 2017.
20.Philip Morris Australia
Philip Morris International, Scientific Update for Smoke-Free Products, November 2017.
21.Professor Riccardo Polosa
Polosa, R., Cibella, F., Caponnetto, P., Maglia, M., Prosperini, U., Russo, C., Tashkin, D., Health Impact of E cigarettes: A Prospective 3.5 year study of regular daily users who have never smoked, Scientific Reports, 17 November 2017.
22.Professor Natalie Walker
Bullen, C., Howe, C., Laugesen, M., McRobbie, H., Parag, V., Williman, J., Walker, N., Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation: a randomised controlled trial, The Lancet, 7 September 2013.
a) O’Brien, B., Knight-West, O., Walker, N., Parag, V., Bullen, C., E cigarettes versus NRT for smoking reduction or cessation in people with mental illness: secondary analysis of data from the ASCEND trial, Tobacco Induced Diseases, 2015.
b) Walker, N., Laugesen, M., Parag, V., Laking, G., Verbiest, M., Bullen, C., ASCEND II: A trial to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of combining nicotine patches with E cigarettes (with and without nicotine) plus behavioural support, on smoking abstinence.
23.New Zealand Parliament Select Committee on Health
Ministry of Health, Exploring why young Maori women smoke, July 2017.
24.National Heart Foundation of Australia
Stratton, K., Kwan, K.Y., Eaton, D.L., Public Health Consequences of ECigarettes, Committee on the Review of the Health Effects of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, the National Academies Press, Washington.
a) National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, Public Health Consequences of E-Cigarettes: Conclusions by Level of Evidence.
25.Professor Mike Daube AO
Media Release, 27 November 2017.

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