The Australian Dream

March 2022

© Commonwealth of Australia 2022
ISBN: 978-1-76092-362-4

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Chair's Foreword

Terms of Reference



List of Recommendations

1. Introduction

  Conduct of the inquiry
  Recent reports on Australian housing
  Report structure

2. General overview of housing affordability

  What is housing affordability?
  Housing affordability issues in Australia
  Implications of housing affordability issues
  Committee comment

3. Planning and the housing shortage

  Evidence of a housing shortage
  The effect of planning restrictions
  Criticisms of a housing undersupply
  Benefits of planning restrictions
  Administrative costs of planning
  Incentive payments to state, territory and local governments
  Committee comment

4. Social and affordable housing

  Setting the scene: social and affordable housing
  Specific social and affordable housing issues
  Committee comment

5. Deposits for first home buyers

  Committee comment

6. Taxes and charges

  Overall impact
  Key taxes and tax concessions
  Developer contributions and infrastructure charges
  Committee comment

7. Other policies

  Macroprudential policy
  Monetary policy
  Enabling infrastructure
  Self-managed superannuation funds
  Land banking
  Data and analysis to support evidence-based housing policy
  Committee comment

Dissenting Report

A. Submissions

  Additional documents received

B. Exhibits

C. Public Hearings and witnesses

Committee Secretariat contact:

PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 4821

About this inquiry

The Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue will inquire into and report on the contribution of tax and regulation on housing affordability and supply in Australia.

Past Public Hearings

26 Nov 2021: Canberra
17 Nov 2021: Canberra
15 Nov 2021: Canberra
