Mrs Lucy Wicks
Liberal Party of Australia, Robertson NSW
Mr Tim Watts MP
Australian Labor Party, Gellibrand VIC
Ms Sharon Claydon MP
Australian Labor Party, Newcastle NSW
Ms Celia Hammond
Liberal Party of Australia, Curtin WA
Mr Craig Kelly
United Australia Party, Hughes NSW
Senator Dave Sharma
Liberal Party of Australia, NSW
Mr Julian Simmonds
Liberal National Party of Queensland, Ryan QLD
Dr Anne Webster MP
The Nationals, Mallee VIC
The House Select Committee on Social Media and Online Safety was established by a resolution of appointment that passed the House of Representatives on 1 December 2021 and ceased to exist upon presentation of the Committee's final report.
Committee SecretarySelect Committee on Social Media and Online SafetyPO Box 6021Parliament HouseCanberra ACT 2600 Phone: 02 6277
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