Terms of Reference

A Select Committee on Regional Australia be appointed to inquire into and report on:
Examining the effectiveness of existing regional service delivery and development programs;
Examining the contribution and role of regional Australia to our national identity, economy and environment;
Promoting the development of regional centres, cities, towns and districts including promoting master planning of regional communities;
Promoting private investment in regional centres and regional infrastructure;
Examine the key drivers for unlocking decentralisation opportunities for both the private and public sectors;
Promoting the competitive advantages of regional location for businesses;
Investigate the development of capital city size regional centres in strategic locations and the benefits this offers regional cities, capital cities, the Australian economy and lifestyle;
Examine the potential for new developments, towns and cities to be built in regional Australia;
Examining international examples of nations who have vast and productive regional areas, which are sparsely populated;
Examining ways urbanisation can be re-directed to achieve more balanced regional development;
Identifying the infrastructure requirements for reliable and affordable health, education, transport, telecommunications, clean energy, water and waste in a new settlement of reasonable size, located away from existing infrastructure; and
Consider other measures to support the ongoing growth and sustainability of regional Australia.

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