Terms of Reference

The Committee will inquiry into and report on the management and use of Commonwealth environmental water, giving particular consideration to the role of the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder in:

  1. maximising the use of environmental water for the protection and restoration of environmental assets;
  2. considering innovative approaches for the use of environmental water;
  3. monitoring and evaluating outcomes of the use of environmental water;  and
  4. options for improving community engagement and awareness of the way in which environmental water is managed;  and

any other matter of relevance that the committee wishes to consider.

Committee Secretariat contact:

PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 4580

About this inquiry

The Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy is inquiring into the 2016-17 annual report of the Department of the Environment and Energy, focusing on the management and use of Commonwealth environmental water.

Past Public Hearings

27 Jun 2018: Canberra
22 Jun 2018: Sydney
20 Jun 2018: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Submissions closed


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