
Submissions received by the Committee

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Page size:
 24 items in 2 pages
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Page size:
 24 items in 2 pages
1Prof Richard Shine (PDF 152 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 1237 KB)  Attachment 2 (PDF 522 KB)  Attachment 3 (PDF 388 KB)  Attachment 4 (PDF 432 KB) 
2Town of Port Hedland (PDF 5263 KB) 
3Dr Tony Peacock (PDF 15 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 869 KB) 
4Associate Professor Ben Phillips (PDF 2708 KB) 
5Prof. Mike Letnic (PDF 876 KB) 
6NT Department of Environment and Natural Resources (PDF 735 KB) 
7Biodiversity Watch (PDF 2381 KB) 
8Prof Rob Capon (PDF 763 KB) 
9Animal Control Technologies Australia (PDF 191 KB) 
10RSPCA Australia (PDF 261 KB) 
11Mr Melville Miranda (PDF 180 KB) 
12Vigilance Technologies (PDF 140 KB) 
13Kimberley Toad Busters (PDF 942 KB) 
14Nyangumarta Warrarn Aboriginal Corporation, Karajarri Traditional Lands Association, Nyangumarta Karajarri Aboriginal Corporation and Pew Charitable Trusts (PDF 161 KB) 
15Ecosure (PDF 254 KB) 
16Steve Austin Conservation Canines (PDF 4175 KB) 
17Australian Museum Research Institute (PDF 214 KB) 
18Clarence Valley Conservation in Action Landcare Group (CVCIA Landcare) (PDF 59 KB) 
19Torres Strait Regional Authority (PDF 201 KB) 
20CSIRO (PDF 235 KB) 

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About this inquiry

The Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy is inquiring into the 2017-18 annual report of the Department of the Environment and Energy, focusing into controlling the spread of cane toads

Past Public Hearings

20 Feb 2019: Canberra
13 Feb 2019: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Inquiry completed


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