
Submissions received by the Committee

Submissions may be re-ordered by clicking on a column header. They may also be grouped by Organisation/Individual, State/Territory.

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Page size:
 79 items in 4 pages
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Page size:
 79 items in 4 pages
1Mr Richard Curtain (PDF 221 KB) 
2Pearson (PDF 256 KB) 
3SDA National (PDF 101 KB) 
4National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA) (PDF 1219 KB) 
5Business Council of Australia (BCA) (PDF 1489 KB) 
6Settlement Services Advisory Council (PDF 472 KB) 
7Vision Australia (PDF 140 KB) 
8Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE) (PDF 1934 KB) 
9Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of New South Wales (PDF 1238 KB) 
10Regional Universities Network (PDF 501 KB) 
10.1 Supplementary to submission 10 (PDF 221 KB) 
11Integrated Information Service (PDF 271 KB) 
12Carers ACT (PDF 235 KB) 
13University of New England (PDF 66 KB) 
14The University of Queensland (PDF 1648 KB) 
15Deakin University (PDF 654 KB) 
16Brimbank City Council  (PDF 1410 KB) 
17Charles Darwin University (PDF 2976 KB) 
18Consult Australia (PDF 757 KB) 
19Mitchell Institute (PDF 912 KB) 
20Refraction Media (PDF 203 KB) 

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About this inquiry

The inquiry will look at ways to ensure students are supported from school to work by measuring gain in schools and how this contributes to supporting students for post-school education and training. The inquiry will also look at opportunities to better inform students of appropriate post-school education and training using employment outcomes as a measure of course suitability.

Past Public Hearings

09 Nov 2017: Brisbane
16 Oct 2017:
19 Sep 2017: Sydney


Inquiry Status


We are committed to ensuring that everyone who wishes to can participate in the Committee’s inquiry. If you have accessibility requirements, please contact the Committee Secretariat.

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