Terms of reference

Terms of reference

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training will inquire into the issues and opportunities presented by generative artificial intelligence, and comprehensively explore current and future impacts on Australia’s early childhood education, schools, and higher education sectors.

The inquiry will include consideration of:

1The strengths and benefits of generative artificial intelligence tools for children, students, educators and systems and the ways in which they can be used to improve education outcomes;

2The future impact generative artificial intelligence tools will have on teaching and assessment practices in all education sectors, the role of educators, and the education workforce generally;

3The risks and challenges presented by generative artificial intelligence tools, including in ensuring their safe and ethical use and in promoting ongoing academic and research integrity;

4How cohorts of children, students and families experiencing disadvantage can access the benefits of artificial intelligence;

5International and domestic practices and policies in response to the increased use of generative artificial intelligence tools in education, including examples of best practice implementation, independent evaluation of outcomes, and lessons applicable to the Australian context; and

6Recommendations to manage the risks, seize the opportunities, and guide the potential development of generative artificial intelligence tools including in the area of standards.