Media Releases

17 Mar 2016: Getting small business booming PDF: Getting small business booming
24 Nov 2015: Age & disability discrimination in the labour market PDF: Age & disability discrimination in the labour market
18 Nov 2015: How small business can provide opportunity for all jobseekers PDF: How small business can provide opportunity for all jobseekers
11 Nov 2015: The voice of small business to provide unique insight PDF: The voice of small business to provide unique insight
20 Aug 2015: Small business job creation - a big regional issue PDF: Small business job creation - a big regional issue
10 Jul 2015: Turning small business into a big employer PDF: Turning small business into a big employer
22 Jun 2015: Small business - the backbone of the building and construction industry PDF: Small business - the backbone of the building and construction industry
16 Jun 2015: Recognising the advantages of cultural diversity in small business PDF: Recognising the advantages of cultural diversity in small business
02 Jun 2015: Inquiry to kick start the engine of small business employment PDF: Inquiry to kick start the engine of small business employment
25 Mar 2015: Encouraging employment in the small business sector PDF: Encouraging employment in the small business sector

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Employment
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: (02) 6277 4573
Fax: (02) 6277 4773