
Answers to Question on Notice

Q No.
Member Broad Topic Proof Hansard page and Hearing date or Written question Response
1QON Thistlethwaite New car retailing: ACCC and Treasury consultations Hansard p. 8 (PDF 346KB)
2QON Buchholz Horticulture Code of Conduct: Farm based grower-packers and supply line Hansard p. 9 (PDF 338KB)
3QON Henderson Unfair contract law: Dairy industry Hansard p. 11 (PDF 347KB)
4QON Keogh Unfair contract law: Seeking changes to penalties Hansard p. 11 (PDF 336KB)
5QON Keogh Court cases: timeline of investigations to decisions Hansard p. 12 (PDF 475KB)
6QON Evans Wholesale gas prices: Domestic supply predictions Hansard p. 17 (PDF 350KB)
7QON Thistlethwaite Broadband speeds: ACCC investigation Hansard pp. 18-19 (PDF 330KB)
8QON Thistlethwaite Broadband speeds: Minister’s advice to ACCC Hansard p. 19 (PDF 330KB)
9QON Henderson Petrol prices: Increasing transparency for consumers Hansard p. 22 (PDF 332KB)
10QW Evans Music industry (composers, songwriters and publishers): APRA-AMCOS –authorisation process   (PDF 446KB)
11QW Evans Music industry: APRA-AMCOS authorisation process   (PDF 426KB)
12QW Evans Music industry: APRA-AMCOS and licenses   (PDF 315KB)
13QW Evans Music industry: APRA-AMCOS – funds, fees and market power   (PDF 441KB)
14QW Evans Music industry: APRA-AMCOS – revenue benefits   (PDF 318KB)
15QW Evans Music industry: APRA-AMCOS – conditions and reporting   (PDF448 KB)


Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Standing Committee on Economics
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: (02) 6277 4587

About this inquiry

The Standing Committee on Economics, which can inquire into and report on any annual reports referred to it by the House of Representatives, has agreed to undertake an inquiry into the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's Annual Report 2017.

Past Public Hearings

29 Jun 2018: Canberra


Inquiry Status



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