Terms of Reference

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts will inquire into and report on the experience, opportunities and challenges for co-investment in multi-carrier regional mobile infrastructure. 

The Committee will:

1) Report on the costs, feasibility and public benefits associated with the deployment of

a. infrastructure which supports a single mobile carrier, and

b. the various models for infrastructure which supports multiple mobile carriers;

2) Report on community views on single carrier vs multi-carrier outcomes; and

3) Report on examples of successful multi-carrier outcomes and their applicability in the Australian context.

According to the Minister, matters relating to national security are out of scope for this Committee.

Committee Secretariat contact:

PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 2126

About this inquiry

On 12 September 2022 the Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP, asked the Committee to inquire into and report on the experience, opportunities and challenges for co-investment in multi-carrier regional mobile infrastructure.

Past Public Hearings

21 Jun 2023: Canberra
14 Jun 2023: Canberra
07 Jun 2023: Geelong


Inquiry Status

Submissions Closed


If you require any special arrangements to enable you to participate in the Committee's inquiry, please contact the Committee Secretariat.

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