A. Submissions
1Damien Johnson
2Adelaide Fringe
3A New Approach
4Clubs Australia
5Name Withheld
6Mr Michiel de Ruyter
8Mr Leon Pratt
9Freo Social
10A group of smaller independent musicians, DJs, promoters, agents and venues
11Ms Olivia Hally
12Dr Peter Vadiveloo
13Rosemount Hotel
14Mr Matt Harris
- 15.1 Supplementary to submission 15
16Insurance Council of Australia
- 16.1 Supplementary to submission 16
17Yuin Folk Club
- 17.1 Supplementary to submission 17
18Dr Sophie Scamps MP
19Mr Frank Lang
- 20.1 Supplementary to submission 20
- 20.2 Supplementary to submission 20
21National Folk Festival
22Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- 22.1 Supplementary to submission 22
23Kicks Entertainment
24Sound Story
26Cedar Mill Group
27Regional Music Research Group
- 27.1 Supplementary to submission 27
- Attachment 1
28Social State Entertainment
29Dr Robert James Stove
30Musicians Union of Australia
31The Hills Are Alive Group
32Australian Women In Music
33Mr Joseph Flack
34Dr Rod Davies
35Mr Brian Heywood
36UNIFIED Music Group
37Mr Nicholas Georgaros
38Usual Company
39Green Music Australia
- 39.1 Supplementary to submission 39
40Granite Belt Music Council
41Yarra City Council
42Ms Alexandra Bock & Mr Garry Daud
43Spotify AU
44The William Street Bird
46Phoenix Central Park
47ACT Government
48City of Fremantle
49The West Australian Music Industry Association Inc
50Name Withheld
51Name Withheld
52Name Withheld
53Name Withheld
54Name Withheld
55Name Withheld
56Sounds Australia
57Laneway Festival
58Mr Paul Curtis
59Sweet Mate Music
61Mr Chris Anderson
62Mr Charlie Mgee, Formidable Vegetable
63ei Productions
- 63.1 Supplementary to submission 63
- Attachment 1
65Redfern Legal Centre
66Name Withheld
67Name Withheld
68Name Withheld
69Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
- 69.1 Supplementary to submission 69
- 69.2 Supplementary to submission 69
70Victorian Government
71NSW Government
- 71.1 Supplementary to submission 71
72Western Australian Government
- 72.1 Supplementary to submission 72
73Northern Territory Government
74Creative Australia
75Australian Festival Association
76Regional Arts Australia
78Australian Live Music Business Council
79Queensland University of Technology
80Australian Copyright Council
81Live Performance Australia
- 81.1 Supplementary to submission 81
82City of Port Phillip
83Australian Music Association
84Association of Artist Managers
85The Music Press Pty Ltd
86Dr Diana Tolmie
87Name Withheld
88Live Music Office
89School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne
90Australian Recording Industry Association & Phonographic Performance Company of Australia
91South Australian Government
- 91.1 Supplementary to submission 91
92Mr John Wardle
93Mr Tim Hollo
94Dr Jeff Crabtree
96Woodfordia Inc.
97City of Gold Coast
98Mr Christopher Eassey, Associate Professor Phillip Wadds, Dr Monica Barratt, Associate Professor Caitlin Hughes and Dr Dominique de Andrade
- 98.1 Supplementary to submission 98
- Attachment 1
- Attachment 2
- Attachment 3
99Dr Shaun Rigney
100The Association of Australian Musicians
101Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance
- 101.1 Supplementary to submission 101
- 101.2 Supplementary to submission 101
102Mr Jon Perring
103Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman
104Commericial Radio & Audio
105The Push
106Community Broadcasting Association of Australia
107Associate Professor Catherine Strong, Associate Professor Shelley Brunt and Dr Fabian Cannizzo
108Dr Ben Green, Associate Professor Catherine Strong, Professor Lauren Rickards & Dr Todd Denham
109Ms Ann Palumbo
110Arts Queensland
111Untitled Group
112Ms Gabriela Johnson
113Ms Ruth Hazleton
114Ms Helen Tuckey
115Lost Paradise Glenworth Valley
116Ms Kimberley Wheeler
- 116.1 Supplementary to submission 116
117Bird's Robe Records
118Miss Audrey Fitzgerald
119Corner Group
120Mr Harry Coulson
121Ms Joanne Mitchelson
122Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA)
123Dr Sam Whiting and Dr Ben Green
124Adelaide Festival Centre
127African Music and Cultural Festival
128The Australia Institute