Drowning in waste

REPORT - May 2024

List of Recommendations

2.153The Committee recommends that the Australian Government, through the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water and in consultation with the states and territories, industry and the community, develop an updated National Plastics Plan.

An updated National Plastics Plan should:

contain reporting and transparency measures to monitor progress and accountability among all stakeholders and be based on an overarching circular economy strategy.

be developed with stakeholders to promote sustainable practices and recycling, and responsible waste management, as well as developing transition plans.

be in place within 12 months from the tabling date of this report, allowing that implementation would be progressive.

2.156The Committee recommends that the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water report annually to Parliament, through its Annual Report, on the progress of key actions of an updated National Plastics Plan.

2.159The Committee recommends that the Australian Government prioritise a sustainable end market for recovered plastics as a matter of urgency. An end market should consider the need for incentives or mandates to encourage the local plastic manufacturing sector to use at least 30 per cent recycled content.

In the development of a sustainable end market, the Australian Government should consider options for rural and remote areas.

2.163The Committee recommends that the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water undertake a feasibility study into appropriate plastic disposal options for regional and remote areas, such as recycling plants, with an aim to have a minimum of two pilot programs commencing by December 2025.

2.166The Committee recommends that the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water investigate the viability of establishing a centralised preprocessing hub for ghost nets through the Ghost Nets Initiative that addresses barriers to processing ghost nets in remote areas.

2.169The Committee recommends that the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water investigate whether some of the National Packaging Targets 2025 should be mandated and work with industry to revise and strengthen the Targets to ensure clearer and measurable goals.

3.151The Committee recommends that, as a priority part of an updated National Plastics Plan and in collaboration with state and territory governments, the Australian Government:

take a leadership role in coordinating and tracking actions in relation to the reduction of use of plastics

nationally harmonise single-use plastic bans, and

establish national waste collection standards, particularly in regional and remote areas without kerbside recycling.

3.152The Committee recommends that the Australian Government work with state and territory governments to harmonise and expand the Container Deposit Scheme. The expansion should consider additional products such as milk, juice, wine and spirits bottles.

3.156The Committee recommends that the Australian Government work with state and territory governments to standardise and simplify plastic packaging and recyclability labelling to make it easier for consumers to recycle effectively. These changes should also consider ‘greenwashing’ claims made on packaging and in advertising. These labelling changes should be in place by December 2025.

3.162The Committee recommends that an updated National Plastics Plan includes effective policies that track and limit plastic and polymer production within Australia with an aim to reduce the variety of polymers in use and enable visibility of the material composition of plastics that are imported.

3.163The Committee recommends that as a priority of an updated National Plastics Plan, the Australian Government, with the collaboration of industry:

establish stronger Extended Producer Responsibility schemes to ensure product stewardship, and

investigate the application of a levy on the use of virgin polymers to ensure that plastics are made from at least 30 per cent recycled content, with the minimum percentage to be increased progressively.

3.167The Committee recommends that the Australian Government refer an inquiry into waste-to-energy to be considered by a parliamentary committee by December 2025.

3.171The Committee recommends that the Australian Government develop and fund a comprehensive and nationwide public awareness and education campaign. The campaign should include education on:

proper recycling practices, including on reading the standardised plastic packaging and recyclability labelling as recommended in Recommendation 10, and

the impacts of plastic pollution, particularly the risks associated with microplastics, on Australia’s oceans and waterways.

4.69The Committee recommends that the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water commission comprehensive research to determine the impacts of microplastic ingestion, inhalation and skin contact on human health, including any absorbed toxins.

The initial research should be made publicly available by July 2026 through the Australian Government’s National Plastic Pollution Portal.

4.72The Committee recommends that the Australian Government, through the Environment Ministers Meeting, set as a priority a national microplastic reduction strategy. The strategy should consider strengthening regulation and monitoring of stormwater filters to stop microplastics from entering the marine environment.

4.73The national microplastic reduction strategy should be in place by December 2025.

4.76The Committee recommends that Australian Government, through the Department of Industry, Science and Resources and the Australian Research Council, prioritise partnerships between Australian and overseas research institutions to collaborate on research on the reduction of plastic pollution.

4.82The Committee recommends that the National Indigenous Australians Agency increase the funding for the Indigenous Rangers Program to ensure that Indigenous Ranger groups from remote areas subject to high plastic pollution are appropriately supported to undertake their work.

4.83The Committee recommends that the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water ensure that First Nations, particularly those living in remote and regional communities, are included and facilitated in any consultation on strategies to address plastic pollution and actively involved in the development of any targeted solutions.

4.86The Committee recommends that the harmonisation of balloon release arrangements be added as an agenda item to an upcoming Environment Ministers Meeting in 2024.

5.45The Committee recommends that the Australian Government through the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water, monitor and commission research on overseas initiatives to reduce and combat plastic pollution with a view to applying lessons learnt. Outcomes of the research should be reported annually to Parliament, through the Department’s Annual Report.

5.50The Committee recommends that the Australian Government support the participation of First Nations in the International Negotiating Committee meetings on an international treaty to end plastic pollution.

5.53The Committee recommends that the Australian Government provide leadership to the Asia Pacific region in responding to plastic pollution through regional and multilateral mechanisms such as treaties and agreements. The Australian Government should facilitate participation of smaller nations in an international treaty to end plastic pollution.
