43rd Parliament Report No. 6

Report No. 6: Annual Report 2012-13

27 June 2013

© Commonwealth of Australia 2013

ISBN 978-1-74366-065-2 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-1-74366-104-8 (HTML version)

Membership of the Committee


Ms Anna Burke MP



Chapter 1 Annual Report 2011–12

The Committee

1.1     The Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration, appointed under standing order 222A, considers estimates of the funding required for the operation of the Department of the House of Representatives for each year and provides to the Speaker for presentation to the House and transmission to the Minister for Finance and Deregulation, estimates of amounts for inclusion in the appropriation bills for the Department.

1.2     The Committee also considers proposals for changes to the administration of the Department of the House of Representatives or variations to services provided by the Department, other matters of finance or services as may be referred to it by the Speaker or the House, the administration and funding of security measures affecting the House, and proposals for works in the parliamentary precincts that are subject to parliamentary approval. The Committee reports on these matters to the Speaker or the House, as appropriate.

1.3     When conferring with the Senate Standing Committee on Appropriations and Staffing, the Committee may consider estimates of the funding required for the operation of the Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) each year, and provide to the Speaker for presentation to the House and transmission to the Minister for Finance and Deregulation, estimates of amounts for inclusion in appropriation bills for the DPS. To date, the Committee has heard from DPS on its estimates and budgetary position, but has not reported to the House on these matters.

1.4     Standing order 222A(a) (ii) provides that the Committee make an annual report to the House on the amounts for inclusion in the appropriation bills for the Department of the House of Representatives.

1.5     The House Appropriations and Administration Committee was established at the beginning of the 43rd Parliament on 29 September 2010, and members of the committee were first appointed on 25 October 2010.  There were two changes of membership during the reporting period: Ms Anna Burke MP, as Speaker, became Chair of the Committee from 9 October 2012 replacing the former Speaker, the Hon Peter Slipper MP; and Ms Saffin joined the Committee from 13 February 2012, replacing Mr K J Thomson, MP.



1.6    In 2012–13, the Committee tabled two reports:

Report no. 4
1.7     Report no. 4, the second annual report of the Committee, was tabled on 20 September 2012. It reported on the reports and meetings of the Committee during the year.

Report no. 5

1.8      Report no. 5 was presented in accordance with standing order 222A(a) (ii) which requires the Committee to provide the Speaker for presentation to the House the amounts for inclusion in the appropriation bills for the Department of the House of Representatives.  As in previous years, the report was tabled in the House on the Wednesday following the presentation of the Budget, this year on 15 May 2013.  In summary, the total appropriation to be approved by the Parliament for the Department of the House of Representatives in the Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 1) 2013–2014 was $23.218m, compared to $22.691m in 2012–13.

1.9      The Committee endorsed the proposals of the department to seek additional operational funding in the form of New Policy Proposals for the measures set out in the report, which, for the Budget and three out years, totalled $2.177m. In response, the Government agreed to additional funding of $1.996m over the Budget and three out-years.

1.10     The Committee reported that it was very pleased that the Government had agreed to the additional resources sought by the department.  It was also pleased that, at the request of the Committee, the department was excluded from certain targeted departmental savings applying across government.

1.11     The Committee also reported that progress had been made on formalising a framework for the parliamentary budget process that went some way in recognising the constitutional independence of the two Houses of Parliament, their committees and members, and the particular responsibilities of the parliamentary administration that supports them.  The indicative budget timeframe and milestones for the Department of the House of Representatives, are set out in the report.

Meetings of the Committee

During the reporting period the Committee met five times, on 19 September 2012, 31 October 2012, 13 February 2013, 15 May 2013 and 26 June 2013.  It also met informally on 22 August 2012 with the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Seychelles, the Hon Dr Patrick Herminie.

1.13 The following are among the matters considered at the meetings:

1.14 In brief, the Committee considers it has played a positive and responsible role in discharging its responsibilities under the standing orders, and in particular, in assessing the funding requirements of the Department of House of Representatives and bringing these requirements to the attention of government.  It reports to the House accordingly.  

Ms Anna Burke MP

June 2013