Terms of Reference

The Standing Committee on Agriculture shall inquire into and report on the role of Australian agriculture in Southeast Asian Markets, in the context of the recommendations in Invested: Australia's Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040, focusing on:

  1. How the Australian Government can support agriculture and food industries in leveraging partnership opportunities within the region. This includes new and improved market access, streamlining trade systems, and supporting industry to identify and build market opportunities in the region.
  2. Opportunities to build and strengthen partnerships in Southeast Asia to build capability in the region, including in the area of animal and plant biosecurity, adapting to a changing climate, improving agriculture sustainability and agriculture technology and innovation.
  3. Identifying new and emerging opportunities and challenges in the region for the Australian agriculture industry, including enhanced market intelligence for exporters to support them to navigate markets and realise opportunities.
  4. Mechanisms for government and industry to leverage identified opportunities for Australian agriculture, and to address key priorities in the Southeast Asia region.
  5. How Australian agriculture can support Southeast Asia's food security [towards 2040].

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Agriculture
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: 02 6277 4500