AANZFTAASEAN–Australia–New Zealand Free Trade Area
AASFAustralian Agriculture Sustainability Framework
ABEIAgri-Business Expansion Initiative
ACDPAustralian Centre for Disease Preparedness
ACIARAustralian Centre for International Agricultural Research
ACTAustralian Capital Territory
ADICAustralian Dairy Industry Council
ADPFAustralian Dairy Products Federation
AEGICAustralian Export Grains Innovation Centre
AEXCOAustralian Exporter Company
AFASAustralian Fumigation Accreditation Scheme
AGAHPAustralian Government Approved Halal Program
AIArtificial Intelligence
AOOfficer of the Order of Australia
AOLAustralian Organic Limited
APECAsia–Pacific Economic Cooperation
APLAustralian Pork Limited
ASEANAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations
ASFAfrican Swine Fever
Aus4ASEANAustralia for ASEAN scholarships
ATMACAgriculture Trade and Market Access Cooperation
AVEGAustralia–Vietnam Enhanced Economic Engagement Grant
CEOChief Executive Officer
CGFLCairns Group of Farm Leaders
CGIARConsultative Group on International Agricultural Research
CPCConsolidated Pastoral Company
CPTPPComprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
CSIROCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSRcorporate social responsibility
DAFQueensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
DAFFDepartment of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
DFATDepartment of Foreign Affairs and Trade
ESGEnvironmental, Social and Governance
EUEuropean Union
FAOFood and Agriculture Organisation
FMDFoot-and-Mouth Disease
FTAFree Trade Agreement
G20Group of 20
GDPGross Domestic Product
GIGeographical Indication
GTAGrain Trade Australia
IA-CEPAIndonesia–Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
IoTInternet of Things
IPEFIndo–Pacific Economic Framework
Lao PDRLao People’s Democratic Republic (Laos)
LEPLivestock Export Program
LSDLumpy Skin Disease
MAFTAMalaysia–Australia Free Trade Agreement
MICORManual of Importing Country Requirements
MLCMember of the Legislative Council
MPMember of Parliament
MRLMaximum Residue Limit
NFFNational Farmers’ Federation
NTBnon-tariff barriers
NTMnon-tariff measures
OECDOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PALMPacific Australia Labour Mobility
PhDDoctor of Philosophy
PhilGAPPhilippines Good Agricultural Practice
QRMQuarantine Regulators Meeting
R&Dresearch and development
RCEPRegional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
RMCPIndonesia–Australia Partnership on Food Security in the Red Meat and Cattle Sector
RMACRed Meat Advisory Council
SAFTASingapore–Australia Free Trade Agreement
SEASoutheast Asia
SEABXAustralia–Southeast Asia Business Exchange
SMESmall and Medium Enterprises
SPSsanitary and phytosanitary measures
SRAASpecial Representative for Australian Agriculture
TAFTAThailand–Australia Free Trade Agreement
TBTtechnical barriers to trade
TICAThailand International Development Cooperation Agency
UHTUltra heat treatment (long-life)
UKUnited Kingdom
UNUnited Nations
USUnited States
WOAHWorld Organisation for Animal Health
WTOWorld Trade Organisation