The week ahead...

The week ahead: 1 to 4 July 2024

Government bills

The Government has scheduled bills for debate this week as follows:

Monday, 1 July

Tuesday, 2 July

Wednesday, 3 July

Thursday, 4 July

Private senators’ bills

Wednesday, 3 July

Thursday, 4 July

  • TBA

* At the time of publication on 28 June 2024, amendments to the bill had been circulated.

Orders for the production of documents

Monday, 1 July

Attendance by minister

  • Pursuant to the order agreed to on 14 September 2023, the Minister representing the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, attend the Senate to provide an explanation regarding orders for the production of documents relating to the NDIS Financial Sustainability Framework

Wednesday, 3 July

  • Houston Review into Army Aviation and Yates Review into MRH90 be tabled by the Minister representing the Minister for Defence, by no later than 5 pm on 3 July 2024 – agreed to on 24 June 2024

Thursday, 4 July

  • Documents relating to the Railton Alternative Fuels Transformation project be tabled by the Minister representing the Minister for Climate Change and Energy, by no later than Thursday, 4 July 2024 – agreed to on 25 June 2024

More information

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